info on Loganville & Lawrenceville RR (Georgia) : LUSENET : Shortline, Narrow Gauge and Industrial Railroading : One Thread

Would like any info on Loganville & Lawrenceville RR (Georgia) - equipment - history - etc

-- steven h. johnson (, November 03, 1998


The Loganville & Lawrenceville Railroad of Georgia was chartered on March 30, 1898. The company was organized on April 12, 1898, with Loganville being designated as the headquarters city. Construction had begun by June 1st The line was completed on December 1, 1898. (A 1914 booster edition of the Loganville "Record" - a newspaper - states that the first train entered Loganville on September 1, 1898, although this may have been a construction train.)

On November 11, 1898, the road entered into an agreement with the Georgia, Carolina & Northern Railway whereby the L&L was opereated by the larger road. (Incidentally, the L&L owned the roadbed and ties while the rails themselves were leased from the GC&N.)

After July 1, 1900, the Seaboard Air Line Railway, successor to the GC&N, leased the road and operated it as lessee until February 27, 1902, on which date the SAL purchased the franchise and property. The Loganville & Lawrenceville Railroad company passed out of existance at that time.

The SAL continued to operate the trackage involved until January 27, 1932, when the branch was abandoned. The rails were removed in April, 1933.

Service was provided by a mixed train with three round trips daily, with the train tying up in Loganville for the night. Locomotives were apparently Baldwin ten-wheelers, at least in later years. I do not believe that the L&L owned any equipment, but leased what was needed for construction from the GC&N.

Robert H. Hanson Loganville, GA

-- Robert H. Hanson (, November 12, 1998.

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