orbital video cd's

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

has orbital been busted or is it just a joke please help because i sent cash down the other day ????

-- barry buckley (bbuckley00000@enterprise.net), November 03, 1998


(Orbital is a supplier of pirate Video CDs, based in the UK.)

It doesn't look like a joke. You might try asking for your money back, but I doubt it would do much good. From his e-mail:


It is with great regret thar I bring you this news.

At 8:30am today I answered the door to Vice Squad officers and Federation Against Copyright Theft (FACT) officials. I was handed a warrant to search my premises for illegal video products. I was then arrested for suspicion of copyright theft.

All my Video CDs, VCR, TV, and computer equipment was seized. As were all the orders that were due to be sent today and the letters that the customer had sent for their order. All money that had been taken was also seized.

-- Russil Wvong (rwvong@geocities.com), November 04, 1998.

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