Leadtek Movieplus 1200 does not work

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

I have a leadtek Movieplus 1200 Mpeg card to play VCD It does not work with Win 95 I had tries it with win311 at dealers place- it worked Leadtek -the Company says use mscdex.exe lower version than 2.95 How the hell do I do that Raju

-- Raju Hari (hari144@yahoo.com), October 28, 1998


Ask your dealer to let you copy the MSCDEX from his 3.11 machine. You will get MSCDEX 2.5-2.90. If that don't work then check the Leadtek site for an update for it. If that still does not do it then you should consider purchasing a video card with hardware mpeg-1 support or MPEG-2 decoder board. Good luck.

-- Rutger Stevens (rutger_s@yahoo.com), January 28, 1999.

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