CD set : LUSENET : 3D Audio's Music Business Forum (SSS Temp) : One Thread

It occurred to me that some of you may be interested in a 4-CD set that a bunch of us on the newsgroup put together very recently! The submissions called for each person to submit no more than six minutes of our own material for the CD. It's very interesting in that there are fairly extensive liner notes for each of the cuts. Also, if you participate or read on, you can get a better idea of where everyone is coming from. It's interesting to hear people's perspectives, but it's enlightening when you actually hear their work!

The 4-CD RAP compilation has a huge array of various engineers. It's $15 including S/H. The information can be found at

To order the four CD set of "R.A.P CD in Blue:"

Send $15 per set (US funds - cash, check, or money order), and a return address label for each set ordered to: P.O. Box 888 Krum, TX 76249

Make checks and money orders payable to:

I stand to make no money on this, by the way. The reason why is that it is a fine collection of different music by various recording engineers at completely different stages of development in terms of skill and equipment utilized. It's interesting, extremely varied, and quite a bargain. It's completely non-profit, so hence, the cheap price for four CDs. I thought that someone here may be interested, and was actually quite surprised that no one has mentioned it here. Then again, I think there's only about three of us here who actually post!

Well, geee, it's kinda quiet here.

Echooooooo! echooooooo echooo

I hope you're all doing well.

-- Ken/Eleven Shadows (, October 17, 1998

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