where to buy????

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

my brother was recently in singapore and purchased a Sharp DX-V288W video cd player. it does not seem ot play dvd's....where can i buy vcd's? also there is 2 doors ot put the vcds in. that is very confusing. please help.

thanks steve

-- steve olson (pinkflyd34@yahoo.com), October 07, 1998


There's some companies listed in the FAQ that sell VCDs over the Internet. Don't know about the "2 doors" problem -- that seems a little strange. There's no manual?

The VCD player definitely won't play DVDs. Some DVD players will play VCDs, but not the other way around -- MPEG-2 (DVD) has a lot more data than MPEG-1.

-- Russil Wvong (rwvong@geocities.com), October 19, 1998.

The machine you purchased is VCD only probably as for the two doors. I believe it lets you play two movies in a jukebox mode. This means one after the other without swapping the disks. JVC and Sharp did this so customers could enjoy the movie much more as they come on two disks (maybe more).

-- Rutger Stevens (rutger_s@hotmail.com), December 17, 1998.

Well, that machine you bought is absolutely a VCD player. For quality original VCDs, with fastest delivery, go to http://www.videocds2000.com It's a new site, with plenty of VCDs (and other stuffs), and most of all, the lowest ever shipping rate.

-- Craig Jericho (craigjericho@yahoo.com), August 13, 2000.

If you buy from Vcd From Video Cds 2000 does the vcd have copyright warning at the very begginning when you play it.

-- Kenny.K (zeldalink62@hotmail.com), January 22, 2001.

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