Titanic still playing in its orginal release in NY!greenspun.com : LUSENET : TitanicShack : One Thread |
It may be playing in only 20 or so theaters in the US but Titanic is still in its orginal release at a theater in Woodbury NY. It is currently in its 42nd week at this twin theater.
-- michael pitt (xrrg10b@prodigy.com), October 03, 1998
Well, I missed my last opportunity to see "Titanic" in its original release here in Detroit. The last showing was the 8 pm show on Thursday evening at the Cinemark 16 Theatre. Cost of a ticket was just $1.50. It would have been really nice to see it again on the big screen one more time after viewing both the pan&scan and widescreen video releases. Oh, well..... guess I'll have to wait for its roadshow engagement or an anniversary!!
-- Kathleen Marcaccio (dkosh@msn.com), October 03, 1998.