"scoops"greenspun.com : LUSENET : North Carolina Raves : One Thread |
i am looking for information about the drug 'scoops' please send names of sites with info
-- Anonymous, September 29, 1998
Dunno personally. Did you try the hyperreal drug archives? You could also do a usenet search, but I would be careful with the information you get from usenet (and the web) -- urban legends and misinformation abounds. Double- or triple- check your info before you act on it.
-- Anonymous, September 30, 1998
you can also try www.pulpfiction.com. They have alot of information on that! =) ~P~L~U~R~
-- Anonymous, November 18, 1998
www.erowid.org--by far THEE best site for anyone interested in participating in psychoactive excursions!
-- Anonymous, March 06, 1999
"scoops" is a street name for the drug GHB "gamma-hydroxybutyric acid" for additional information, please go to: http://www.ghbinfo.com/LEGAL.HTM
-- Anonymous, March 22, 1999