Portable washing machine

greenspun.com : LUSENET : TimeBomb 2000 (Y2000) : One Thread

I've been searching all the questions trying to retrieve info, this is one huge site!!! Someone mentioned a company that sells table-top washing machines that really work. Going to college with daughter if y2k doesn't crash us. Can anyone tell me who that is?

-- margie mason (mar3mike@aol.com), September 26, 1998


Try Lehman's Non-Electric Catalog (sorry I don't have phone number). Also Harmony catalog (aka 7th Generation). They both have those sorts of washing machines -- hand cranked for around $50.00.

-- Libby Alexander (libbyalex@aol.com), September 26, 1998.

Margie, it was me. And yes, it is Lehman's. The phone number is 1-330- 857-5757. You can read about the products online, too, at:


I also recommend getting the paper catalog. We have had lots of fun reading it and looking at all of the pictures. The pressure washer is $49. We have ordered lots of things from Lehman's and love them all- they are shipped in 3-5 days. I have heard they are starting to get REAL busy, though. Good luck!

-- Gayla Dunbar (privacy@please.com), September 26, 1998.

I think I saw this at Wal Mart ~$30. Let me know if you find it

-- Y2Dave (daveforbes@earthlink.net), September 26, 1998.

Go to a second hand store or an antique store and get a wash board. They have small legs and will stand in your No. 10 wash tub. It was good enough for grandma and it's good enough for me. Don't forget the lye soap.

-- ronbanks (phxbanks@webtv.net), September 26, 1998.

Spoken by a man with NO fingernails! Just kidding, Ron. If it gets to the point where we have to do laundry by hand for very long, the nails will go anyway!

-- Gayla Dunbar (privacy@please.com), September 26, 1998.

We purchased one of the Pessure Washers from Lehmans. We weren't terribly impressed. Our daughter had a simple dirt stain on a blouse that should have come out, but it didn't. We'll try it again,tho. Hopefully it will work out. BTW, if you get a chance to go to Lehmans, GO !!! It's a really neat experience. And the sales staff, tho VERY busy, are probably the best sales staff I have run into. Getting ones attention is the hardest part. Each one usually has 5 customers waiting for them...

-- Richard Hunden (rhunden1@juno.com), September 27, 1998.

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