scene where jack dies : LUSENET : TitanicShack : One Thread

I was wondering, I read on the site that the most important scenes were shot first. What about the scene where Jack dies? I would have thought that was the most important, and a lot of the water scenes were shot before most of the "dry" scenes. I would have thought it might be at the end because it might have added to the effect that Kate Winslet "got to know him throughout the movie", then he dies. thanks

-- Kelly (, September 15, 1998


I do believe the last scene should have been shot in the end. You have to play the entire movie before being able to put yourself up to all those final emotions. It made sense to shot the drawing scene first, because it was supossed to be the most erotic and the two main actors did not know each other, adding some shyness to the entire scene. But I do believe the last scenes of the movie should have been done at the end...

-- Dan Draghici (, September 15, 1998.

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