Is There Another Titanic CD?? : LUSENET : TitanicShack : One Thread |
When I was in Wal-Mart the other day looking for "Back To Titanic", I noticed a CD that was called "Titanic: Ship Of Dreams" sitting on the shelf. I picked it up out of curiousity and I saw that the songs were composed by James Horner and there were a couple of tracks that said underneath, "From the original motion picture". And I believe there was a version of MHWGO. Why on earth would they release a CD with Titanic music without even advertising?? Has anyone else seen it?? I'm thinking of buying it, it was only $9.99. Not bad.
-- Allison (, September 04, 1998
hey allison...I saw the same cd and was able to preview it on their sample audio players. It does have MHWGO, However I'm pretty sure that it's not Celine Dion singing it. I also saw about three diffrent TITANIC related cd's at I believe LUCKY'S grocery store. As far as not advertizing it, well I'd have to say that they don't really need to because they put all the cd's together with the original soundtracks....
-- jester (, September 04, 1998.