The port-side gangway door from D deck was : LUSENET : TitanicShack : One Thread | an interesting story told by First Officer Lightoller:
-- Dan Draghici (, September 02, 1998
Mea culpa, he was the Second Officer.
-- Dan Draghici (, September 02, 1998.
You're on a roll Dan. Have you written anything this week without having to correct yourself? ;-)
-- Emma (, September 02, 1998.
From what I learned, you should say that 3 times and thump your chest to show that you're really sorry. =P
-- Rose (, September 03, 1998.
Mea culpa, mea culpa, mea culpa. =)
-- Dan Draghici (, September 03, 1998.
Rose, isn't Dan supposed to make dinner for us sometime??? I vaguely remember a Mr. Showbiz chat that mentioned something about that!!:)
-- Misty Chacon (, September 03, 1998.
" was a pleasure making dinner for you tonight..." I would love to, but how can we have it "far across the distance?" :=)
-- Dan Draghici (, September 03, 1998.
The 1998 expedition has just signed off. The entire stern section has been mapped, not the bow section, though, due to bad weather in the North Atlantic area. They discovered another debris site full of passenger luggage and recovered certain items from the ocean floor, including the "big piece" and the D deck port-side gangway.
-- Dan Draghici (, September 05, 1998.