Can I use a 30mm. lens on an Omega c-700? : LUSENET : B&W Photo - Printing & Finishing : One Thread

I have a minolta 30mm enlarging lens that has standard thread. It fits my Omega c-700 series. The bellows don`t seem to have enough travel to permit use of this lens. Has anyone got any comments? I`ve used a 40mm with no problems. Can this MM be used for this format? Thanks

-- Thomas Horan (, August 16, 1998



No responses, so I'll give you my thoughts FWTW. I have a c760 and my 50mm requires the recessed lens board to work. I suspect a 30mm probably wouldn't work even with a recessed lens board.

According to my rough math, an older 30mm lens would probably not cover a circle much bigger that 22mm. So it would be no good for full 35mm negative, perhaps marginal for 1/2 frame 35 or perhaps subminature 16mm or less. What do you plan to use the lens for?

-- Gene Crumpler (, October 20, 1998.

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