Canon's Replacement for EOS 5 : LUSENET : Camera Equipment : One Thread


Ok, this question had to appear here sooner or later: Just when is the replacement for the EOS 5 coming out? Last heard on the EOS Mailing List, it was Photokina. When is/was Photokina?

-- Angst Man (, July 29, 1998


phototkina in 3 weeks, but who knows what will be new....

-- s.boes (, August 28, 1998.

Why settle for second best ... BUY NIKON.


-- John Butler (, August 28, 1998.

EOS 3 on sale in December. Not a replacement, but in between the EOS 5 and 1n. Looks good, but expensive.

-- Brad (, September 11, 1998.

It looks like the A2 will be replaced by the forthcoming Elan 7 / 7e, just two years after the question was asked!

-- Derek Clarke (, August 15, 2000.

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