For Leo's fans... : LUSENET : TitanicShack : One Thread

If you're still pining for Leonardo DiCaprio and simply can't wait until the Titanic video is released, you might want to consider purchasing Leo: UnauthorizedHangin' With Leonardo DiCaprio, a new video that gives you an inside peek at the life of the star. The 35-minute tape comes courtesy of Real Entertainment, the same people who brought you Jerry Springer: Too Hot for TV. It features eight years of paparazzi footage and promises to reveal "exclusive secrets" about Leo's private life. Look for it on Aug. 25.

And speaking of DiCaprio, a recent survey by Zogby's Celebrity World, which surveys Americans' attitudes toward the stars, asked 1,206 people who would win if Leo and his Quick and the Dead co-star Sharon Stone duked it out in a fight. 56.2 percent favored Stone, while only 16.2 percent thought that Leo could kick the sex siren's butt.

-- Dan Draghici (, July 24, 1998


I personally think that Leo could kick Sharon Stone's butt anytime and anywhere. I think that he is alot stronger than her.

-- Sarah Nicole Spear (, August 01, 1998.

My bet's on Sharon. Leo has no muscle tone. Now Billy, on the other hand...

-- Gilded Age Junkie (, August 04, 1998.

While Leo is certainly no Ah-nold, remember that he appears a lot smaller next to Kate Winslet than he really is. Don't get me wrong, I think Kate looks great, but let's face it. This was not an ordinary silver screen pairing. We're used to seeing tall, muscular (and usually much older) leading men paired with very thin, shorter (and usually much younger) leading ladies. Neither actor fit this traditional mold relative to the other, contributing to the perception of DiCaprio as being wimpish and Winslet as being zaftig - as well as contributing to the amazing success of this movie with a predominately female audience.

-- Dan Dalton (, August 04, 1998.

Sorry, Dan...Leo's just plain skinny next to anyone...

-- Gilded Age Junkie (, August 04, 1998.

Haha, GAJ. I only half-believe most of the crap I write here too. Yes, Leo could stand to gain a few pounds. And Kate could definitely spare a few.

-- Dan Dalton (, August 05, 1998.

Please don't start with Kate's perfectly acceptable figure...

-- Gilded Age Junkie (, August 05, 1998.

Dalton, let's not get into the "Kate Weight Debate" again. I have a figure very similar to Kate's (child bearing hips, etc) and I don't like it when people call her chubby. Even though you've told me before you're only joking ;-) I hope you are.

-- Emma (, August 05, 1998.

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