greenspun.com : LUSENET : TitanicShack : One Thread

Billboard reports that Sony Classical will release Back to Titanic, the second album of music from the movie, on Aug. 25 to coincide with the home-video release. The album will include two symphonic works by James Horner, Titanic Suite and Epilogue: The Deep and Timeless Sea, with Horner conducting the London Symphony Orchestra. Some dialogue from the film will also be included.


-- Dan Draghici (ddraghic@sprint.ca), July 20, 1998


Will ALL the music on the 2nd CD be original to the movie? Or is James Horner including some from the movie and creating a few new pieces in memory of Titanic?

-- nlf (fowlernl@nbnet.nb.ca), August 12, 1998.

Woohoo! I can't wait! Any news on an Australian release date Dan?

-- Emma (foo@bar.com.au), August 12, 1998.

Nope. Sorry, Ems.

-- Dan Draghici (ddraghic@sprint.ca), August 13, 1998.

D'oh! Don't we Aussies count for anything?

-- Emma (dilemma76@hotmail.com), August 13, 1998.

No, sorry Em. Ha ha ha, just kidding, of course. =) I'll let you know if I hear anything.

-- Allison (allisonelizabeth@mb.sympatico.ca), August 13, 1998.

Reply to nlf:

I haven't heard a full playlist for the second CD, but I have read in numerous places (including the Sony Classical webpage) that one of the cuts will be an orchestral suite arranged by James Horner of music from the film, an overture, if you will.


-- Kip Henry (kip-henry@ouhsc.edu), August 15, 1998.

That's basically what the last CD was! All the themes threaded in and out of each selection for the most part. Hmmm...I'm buying it anyway!:)

-- Gilded Age Junkie (GildedAgeJunkie@yahoo.com), August 15, 1998.

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