video--letterboxed? : LUSENET : TitanicShack : One Thread |
Does anyone know if the upcoming video release will be in letterbox format, pan and scan, or both?ml
-- Mary Lynne Nielsen (, June 15, 1998
Hi ml,I've heard that it will be released both ways.
I know I will want the letterbox; when I went to see the film this last weekend, the screen was about 5% too small for the picture (maybe the curtains just needed to be opened a bit wider). When Rose took her practice swings with the ax, before freeing Jack from the pipe, both her shots were just out of view, which killed some of the humor value of the moment. In pan and scan, the editors would probably focus on that side of the screen, which would give you the view of the ax swings, but Jack's slightly worried look would be lost.
Cameron definitely used the full width of the movie screen for this film. These days that's not always something you can take for granted, as many directors and producers are as concerned with the video sales as with the box office take.
-- Thomas Shoebotham (, June 15, 1998.
Titanic will be released in both formats. Also, if you want to pre-order it, Wal-Mart's website is selling it for 19.95. Go to
-- Amanda (, June 15, 1998.
One may pre-order from Wal-Mart for $19.95 (the suggested minimum price) has pre-orders for $9.99 (plus shipping and handling).
QVC is also accepting pre-orders for $19.95, plus $4.47 shipping and handling.
-- Thomas M. Terashima (, June 15, 1998.
I dont have a clue, I am just here to buy it when i t comes out on Home Video....
-- Donna S. (, July 31, 1998.