Titanic Beats The Odds Again At The Box Office On May 23!greenspun.com : LUSENET : TitanicShack : One Thread |
More great news from the box office. Titanic grossed 1,055,000 on Saturday May 23 up from 1,015,000 on Saturday May 16! Titanic is the only film from last week to post an increase from Saturday to Saturday, and it has finally beaten City Of Angels for Saturdays box office! With all of the new summer films it is amazing that Titanic is holding up so well in its 6th month of release. I must give credit to Pleasure Island Cinemas in Orlando Florida for keeping Titanic in its stadium theater for 23 weeks!
-- Michael Pitt (xrrg10b@prodigy.com), May 24, 1998
And Michael, the movie played yesterday on 2,008 screens, up from 1,990 before.
-- Dan Draghici (ddraghic@sprint.ca), May 24, 1998.