Friday (5/15) BO - "Titanic" : LUSENET : TitanicShack : One Thread |
Sorry guys for being late. I was out of town and just returned hme now, but I'm trying to keep my promise, so here's the BO:
5/15 #1 DEEP IMPACT 6,890,000
5/15 #2 THE HORSE WHISPERER 4,400,000
5/15 #3 THE QUEST FOR CAMELOT 1,505,000
5/15 #4 CITY OF ANGELS 920,000
5/15 #5 HE GOT GAME 705,000
5/15 #6 TITANIC 530,000 Total: 571,132,000 (on 1,990 screens)
-- Dan Draghici (, May 17, 1998
Thursday (5/14) BO: $155,000
-- Dan Draghici (, May 17, 1998.