Food on titanic and the OTHER : LUSENET : TitanicShack : One Thread |
OK whoever can help - THANK YOUUUUUUU!!!!1. Where can I find out about food on Titanic
and2. Is it true that somewheres a new Titanic-like ship is being built??? "Gigantic" or something (a stupid rumor but...)
Thanks, Anton
-- Anton Masterovoy (, May 16, 1998
1. There is a book about the menus on Titanic.2. It is true, there are some projects on the way.
-- Dan Draghici (, May 17, 1998.
Follow this link to some interesting info on these new projectsAlso have you read the book The Last Dinner on the Titanic. Gives lots of food info amongst other things, as well as all the great recipes.
-- Lianne (, May 17, 1998.