Longest running movie? {Longest run in theatres?}greenspun.com : LUSENET : TitanicShack : One Thread |
Well, May 19 is approaching marking 5 months since the release of Titanic and it is still in the top 10 in cinemas everywhere. What is the record for the longest running movie and the longest a movie has been in the top 10, can anyone tell me?
-- Lianne (liannegraham@one.net.au), May 13, 1998
I don't know for sure, but I would guess GWTW would probably rank up there pretty high. I do know that the film version of "The Sound of Music" (1965, I think) ran in theaters for two years.Tom T might have the definitive answer.
-- Kip Henry (kip-henry@ouhsc.edu), May 13, 1998.
I hear the longest running movie of all time was "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest" which I heard ran at the same movie theater, somewhere overseas, for something like 15 or 18 years. It was a cult movie there, like "Rocky Horror" was here.
-- tom (nikonotron@hotmail.com), March 21, 2003.
The record for longest continuous running movie in the US is over twelve years at the Aladdin Theater in Portland Oregon - Deep Throat
-- Jenny Diver (Jenidiver@yahoo.com), November 05, 2003.
Your all wrong, the correct answer is "Rocky Horror Picture Show"
-- Geno (genenaples@comcasst.com), December 14, 2003.
Longest runs: Emmanuelle 10.5 years and The Sound of Music 4.5 years.The Sixth Sense was about 1 year and I'm sure comparable year runs for The Lord of the Rings.
I'd like to know more about that One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest statistic. In China, some film camped out at the same theatre for decades.
-- Charlene Hamilton Gardner (CharleneHGardner@deal-maker.com), January 06, 2004.