Sunday (5/10) BO - "Titanic" 5th : LUSENET : TitanicShack : One Thread

5/10 #1 DEEP IMPACT 11,081,000
5/10 #2 CITY OF ANGELS 1,310,000
5/10 #3 PAULIE - A PARROT'S TALE 940,000
5/10 #4 HE GOT GAME 939,000
5/10 #5 TITANIC 924,000 Total: 569,820,000 (Screens: 2,256)

Weekend BO: 3,075,000
Week BO: 3,980,000

-- Dan Draghici (, May 11, 1998


According to the trend, I thing "Titanic" will fail to get to a domestic BO of 600 million. If it keeps getting 77% of the previous weekly BO, it will stop at 585-590 million, when it will have to be pulled out of the theaters. But it will still cash big abroad.

-- Dan Draghici (, May 11, 1998.

Weekend BO was 3.18 million (#4).

-- Dan Draghici (, May 12, 1998.

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