China Town . . .the plague . . . 1906 PLEASE : LUSENET : San Francisco History : One Thread

I had seen on tv once about a time when Chinese people (in chinatown) were locked in there homes because of a plague they had and sme escaped the city in underground tunnels . . . this was in the early 1900's . . If you have any information I will appreciate it greatly!!!

-- Peter Slate (, May 03, 1998


You might want to contact the Chinese Historical Society at 650 Commercial Street, San Francisco, CA; phone: (415) 391-1188.

-- Ron Filion (, May 07, 1998.

The plague was a disease going around china for hundreds of years and there was no cure it was a deadly contagious disese so they were treated under ground with only doctors who would aventualy die from the disease as well.

-- Lynne (Cola, June 17, 2001.

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