Information on new Titanic being built in South Africa {-e-} : LUSENET : TitanicShack : One Thread |
I have read that RMS TITANIC Shipping Holdings is building a replica of the Titanic with the help of Harland & Wolf. I would like to know where to write to receive information on maiden voyage which is supposed to be December 1999. I4ve heard that cabins start at 12,000 pounds, but how do you make a reservation? Neil
-- Neil Nelson (, April 10, 1998
-- toni eneyi (, October 27, 2003.
I think it is a great idea so other people can see how amazing it was .
-- patrica parsons (12 @hotmail .com), January 03, 2004.
I think it is an excellent idea, and I think that it will attract a lot of people to see what the old one was like. x
-- Jennifer Argent (, July 01, 2004.
How stupid is this!?! There's no way you could build such a ship. Who will work on it? Skilled tradesmen? Not a hope - unless the "philanthropic" SA businessman behind this misguided scheme can get them to work for 50p/hour. Put that joint out and rejoin planet earth. Harry.
-- Harry Lennon (, February 26, 2005.