RMS Titanic's radio call letters? {-e-}

greenspun.com : LUSENET : TitanicShack : One Thread

I am wondering what the call letters of the radio telegraphy station where on the RMS Titannic? They would most likely resemble something like amatuer radio station call letters. For example; W3PBH2. Any help would be appreciated. Thank You.


-- Doug Mullin (dpmullin@ix.netcom.com), April 07, 1998


Response to RMS Titannic's radio call letters?

Hi Doug:

Titanic's call letters were "MGY".


-- Kip Henry (kip-henry@ouhsc.edu), April 07, 1998.

Response to RMS Titannic's radio call letters?

That's right! I have two copies of the telegrams received by the Russian ship Birma from Titanic. They indicate the same code as Peter wrote.

-- Dan Draghici (ddraghic@sprint.ca), April 07, 1998.

Response to RMS Titannic's radio call letters?

Sorry, as Kip indicated, not Peter...

-- Dan Draghici (ddraghic@sprint.ca), April 07, 1998.

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