"Titanic" premiere coverage in "Autograph Collector" magazinegreenspun.com : LUSENET : TitanicShack : One Thread |
The March 1998 issue of Autograph Collector magazine includes coverage of the December 14 "Titanic" premiere at Mann's Chinese Theatre in Hollywood, where one of the AC columnists attended the premiere and the post-premiere party, mingling with the stars and getting photos and autographs. Several photos of "Titanic" cast are included.This issue is at newsstands now, costs $5.95. You can also access it on the WWW at: http://autographcollector.com/acm398/scoop.htm
-- Kathleen Marcaccio (dkosh@msn.com), March 11, 1998
I have a survivor's autograph
-- (LeemingJs@aol.com), September 24, 2003.