How can one reduce contrast in transfers? : LUSENET : polaroid transfers : One Thread |
I have noticed that in image transfers there is a significent incress in contrast which blocks up shadow detail. Does anyone else have the same problem? Does anyone have a suggestion as to how to increase the contrast range of image transfers? In other words, how can the contrast be reduced?Thanks for any reply, and best wishes.
-- John B. Chandler (JHARTT2360@AOL.COM), February 25, 1998
John, I find my life is much easier if I start with a slide that isn't too high in contrast; however, I have found success using some diluted white vinegar gently over the blocked up areas. good luck.
-- Nancy Kavanagh O'Neill (, May 27, 1998.
I have found that outdated Ecktachrome film works well for slides that I want to transfer. For some reason the outdated film doesn't produce solid blacks, giving the slide a rather flat contrast range. The transfer process then adds contrast, giving a more normal looking image. Unfortunately I don't know exactly how old the film was or what conditions it may have experienced before I got it.
-- Dan Wayland (, July 09, 1999.
I can vouch that old Ektachrome film does give you less contrast and a very even image. One of my friends gave me Ek that was from 1978 that she said she had stored in her refrigerator the entire time. After 20 years +, I figured that the film was probably good for nothing. So as a joke, I shot some gladiolas. Boy was I surprised. Unfortunately I overexposed the chromes, so the color wasn't as rich but the film work.Oh, maybe my chromes were as contrasty because I overexposed them and thereby decreased the contrast. Something to experiment with.
-- Stuart Goldstein (, July 11, 1999.