It's been 2 months : LUSENET : TitanicShack : One Thread |
Dear Titanics,It's been exactly 2 months since "Titanic" was released ... and I can still smell the fresh film. The pictures and songs had never been used. The tissues had never been wept in. "Titanic" was called the Movie of Dreams. And it was. It really was...
And by now you all know there was a movie called "Titanic" that saved cinematography in all the ways it could be saved. And that teaches you to take life and arts as they come to you ... and make time count ... and never let go no matter how hopeless, in life, dreams, and hopes. There is always somebody or something unknown to pull you back, to make you transform yourself from a caterpillar into a butterfly. To become what you've always dreamed of or what you were meant for...
Happy Birthday to you all. Could we have some brandy on this occasion?
Dan from Titania
-- Dan Draghici (, February 19, 1998
Very good, Dan! See what I mean, you people really should consider writing a script.
-- Rose (, February 19, 1998.
Great job Dan. You always have a way with words.
-- Jen (, February 19, 1998.
You got a good laugh out of me. We all need some good cigars in addition to the brandy. Just think, in 1912 Americans could actually buy Cuban cigars.
-- Jeff (, February 19, 1998.
To participate in the celebration of "Titanic" we'll offer free cyber-brandy and free talks about the occasion after 11:00pm ET at Mr.Showbiz:
-- Dan Draghici (, February 19, 1998.