2 songs?  {Why are is there a CD version and radio version of MHWGO?}greenspun.com : LUSENET : TitanicShack : One Thread |
There are two songs that are sung by Celine Dion. There is just the regular one that's on the cd and there is a radio version with clips of speaking from the movie and it's REALLY good. But I was wondering why isn't the song with the clips in it on the soundtrack?
-- Amy (a__wright@rocketmail.com), February 06, 1998
Amy, the remixes were done by various radio stations. There are about 4-5 different versions of the song. Rose
-- Rose (rose364@earthlink.net), February 06, 1998.
the latest news about the TITANIC soundtrack is, when the 2nd version will be release----Sony is now aiming for October of '98----James Horner will include the steerage party (music) and a movie snippets to be included with the song or the instrumental...this will be something BIG.
-- M.M. (masima@earthlink.net), February 06, 1998.