Looking for other MHWGO Remixgreenspun.com : LUSENET : TitanicShack : One Thread |
Looking for MHWGO remixes to download. Already have the badboyz mix, but there have to be others out there. Thanks
-- KKLM (foo@bar.com), February 06, 1998
I'd like some remixes too. I thought maybe a good idea would be if someone got a whole bunch of different ones, they could put them on tapes and make them available to the rest of us MHWGO lovers... : )
-- Cara (sammons@mint.net), February 06, 1998.
I put together a version myself. The results were not bad at all.
-- Rose (rose364@earthlink.net), February 16, 1998.
Go to www.tbscc.com/users/dmoats/titanic/titanic.htm. They are selling a tape of 4 "My Heart Will Go On" remixes for a dollar.
-- Jennifer (foo@bar.com), March 13, 1998.