How long did it take for Titanic to sink? {to the ocean floor} : LUSENET : TitanicShack : One Thread |
Does anyone know how long it took Titanic to reach the ocean floor? Also, how far apart did the two sections land from one another?
-- Linda (, February 04, 1998
I was just thinking about that just before I read your question. There are several theories about how long it took: One was that it travelled the 12,500 feet straight as an arrow picking up immense speed as it went (don't think so, would have shattered on impact). Another was that it drifted back and forth such as a leaf falling off a tree and the last that it went down in a circular motion. My opinion is that the last one is probably the right one. I base this on how far the forepeak is buried in the mud (almost up to its anchors). As for how long it took, that depends on the above. I believe the stern section is almost a mile from the bow section and is in much worse condition than the bow section and probably landed almost flat or somewhat towards the stern and most definitely had a different descent than the bow section.Regards, Peter
-- Peter Nivling (, February 05, 1998.
Linda:In "The Discovery of the Titanic," Bob Ballard estimates that the bow and stern sections could have reached the bottom in as little as six minutes.
The bow and stern sections landed about 1,970 feet apart (per Ballard) facing different directions. The extensive destruction of the stern is most likely due to implosion of the air-filled spaces by the pressure of the water as it sank.
-- Kip Henry (, February 06, 1998.
Six minutes...My God, some of those people inside could have survived everything else only to be crushed by the incredible pressure as Titanic drove itself into the bottom of the ocean.The hundred different ways people died that night. So terrible, I can barely comprehend it. God Bless all their souls.
-- Crystal Smithwick (, February 06, 1998.
well in my 8th grade science/history class we were discussing that theory, and my teacher said "for one it would be determined by the angle of decent of the Titanic, and possibly even the time it was, because of temperature."
-- lisa soresen (, May 13, 2002.
From the time the Titanic was hit by an iceberg, to the time it went under to the ocean fLoor, (11:40pm.;2:20am.) it took about 2 hours and 20 minutes. After it comepleatly sunk, it took maybe 5 or 6 minutes to reach the ocean floor. It dropped 2 miles and when it hit the floor, it dug itself 50 feet below ground.~Jill~
-- Jillian Michelle Smith (, May 14, 2002.
i think it is 4 football fields long and took 5 housr to sink in the water.
-- Sarah Eilabeth Chapman (, March 10, 2003.
i think it took 1 hour and 40 minutes
-- kelly (, April 29, 2003.
I am doing this for a computing assignment and have researched through many sights and from the time the Titanic started sink to the time it hit the bottom of the ocean it took 2hours and 55 minutes
-- Alexandra:) (, May 07, 2003.
it took 60 secones.
-- Kristena marie dilny (, June 15, 2003.
It took God kows how long. Threason it subnk as well is because the Deck hand said "God himself could not sink this ship" and look what ended up happening to them. NEVER CRITICISE GOD I'll only tell you people that for now!
-- I am not telling you! HA HA! (, September 18, 2003.
i have not got an answer but i am glad of your help as i had to find 7 things out about the titanic and that was one of them thankyou againstacey xx
-- Stacey Smith (, December 07, 2003.
i was just wondering, does any one no, what would happen if u dropped like a massive rock into the atlantic and just say it hit titanic, what would happen?
-- Zac Martin (, June 01, 2004.
I don't think it sunk at all. I think that some mad man came on board, killed everyone and hid the ship.
-- Michele Bushik (, October 15, 2004.
I think it took 2 hour I not that sure but most people say it took 2 hour
-- millyfernando (, October 16, 2004.
I think it took 1 hour and a 30 minutes. Im 13 and im doing a modern newspaper aticle on it. Its so interesting. Love you all...!!!
-- Adam Smith (, October 20, 2004.
it really is not a question of how long it took for it to sink, but how much marajana was on the boat in an illegal smuggling business. We all know that the Titanic really never sank. The captain took the ship hostage, shot the ship hands, threw several babies into the ocean so they, themselves, could swim the thousands of miles to Africa and make more babies with the pigmies. Then Rocky and Bullwinkile (or however the hell you spell it) ate the captain and stopped the Grinch from stealing Christmas, God rest their souls. Anyway, in the end a flock of great white sharks and a murder of crows ;) jumped up onto the thing-a-ma-jigy formerly known as the "boat". Then a ginormous Rosie O'Donnall and her lover ate the hull and spat out some passengers and lifeboats. She later remarked, "It tasted like pasta...mmm pasta." And thats the story of how Paul Bunyan and his horny, sturdy, blue ox made thier way across Southern Africa.
-- John Doe the 19th (, November 20, 2004.
OOHH, so horny..make me so horny!!! OOHH, so horny..make me so horny!!! OOHH, so horny..make me so horny!!! OOHH, so horny..make me so horny!!! OOHH, so horny..make me so horny!!! OOHH, so horny..make me so horny!!! OOHH, so horny..make me so horny!!! OOHH, so horny..make me so horny!!! OOHH, so horny..make me so horny!!! OOHH, so horny..make me so horny!!! OOHH, so horny..make me so horny!!! OOHH, so horny..make me so horny!!! OOHH, so horny..make me so horny!!! OOHH, so horny..make me so horny!!! OOHH, so horny..make me so horny!!! OOHH, so horny..make me so horny!!! OOHH, so horny..make me so horny!!! OOHH, so horny..make me so horny!!! OOHH, so horny..make me so horny!!! OOHH, so horny..make me so horny!!! OOHH, so horny..make me so horny!!! OOHH, so horny..make me so horny!!! OOHH, so horny..make me so horny!!! OOHH, so horny..make me so horny!!! OOHH, so horny..make me so horny!!! OOHH, so horny..make me so horny!!! OOHH, so horny..make me so horny!!! OOHH, so horny..make me so horny!!! OOHH, so horny..make me so horny!!! OOHH, so horny..make me so horny!!! OOHH, so horny..make me so horny!!! OOHH, so horny..make me so horny!!! OOHH, so horny..make me so horny!!! OOHH, so horny..make me so horny!!! OOHH, so horny..make me so horny!!! OOHH, so horny..make me so horny!!! OOHH, so horny..make me so horny!!! OOHH, so horny..make me so horny!!! OOHH, so horny..make me so horny!!! OOHH, so horny..make me so horny!!! OOHH, so horny..make me so horny!!! OOHH, so horny..make me so horny!!! OOHH, so horny..make me so horny!!! OOHH, so horny..make me so horny!!! OOHH, so horny..make me so horny!!! OOHH, so horny..make me so horny!!! OOHH, so horny..make me so horny!!! OOHH, so horny..make me so horny!!! OOHH, so horny..make me so horny!!! OOHH, so horny..make me so horny!!! OOHH, so horny..make me so horny!!! OOHH, so horny..make me so horny!!! OOHH, so horny..make me so horny!!! OOHH, so horny..make me so horny!!! OOHH, so horny..make me so horny!!! OOHH, so horny..make me so horny!!! OOHH, so horny..make me so horny!!! OOHH, so horny..make me so horny!!! OOHH, so horny..make me so horny!!! OOHH, so horny..make me so horny!!! OOHH, so horny..make me so horny!!! OOHH, so horny..make me so horny!!! OOHH, so horny..make me so horny!!! OOHH, so horny..make me so horny!!!
-- horny man the 509th (, November 20, 2004.
Chris and Andrew suck each others 3 1/2 inch floppys with pure enjoyment (afterwards they light each other on fire)
-- lol payback (, November 20, 2004.
wat did it sink¿¿
-- james (, December 14, 2004.
i loved that explination of how the crazy man got on board and killed everyone...very likely! would he hide such a big you there! and answering the other question about that person smelling...yeah you do mate..i can smell you from here...phew..!
-- hmmmm (, March 14, 2005.