READ THIS FIRST!!-Administrative notes about this forum : LUSENET : 3D Audio's Music Business Forum (SSS Temp) : One Thread

One thing that this BB software will do, that will be almost (or maybe more) useful than AOL's forum software, is that you can have the new postings waiting for you in your emailbox when you sign on. On the opening page (the one that is linked from the SSS Homeless Shelter), you will find highlighted text that says "click here to add an alert". If you click on that, and follow the instructions, you will automatically be sent any new messages that are added to these BBs. That way you don't have to go to three different places to check and see if there are any new messages. You'll know as soon as you check your mailbox. I have found that to be a very cool feature.

That may change if it gets too busy here. Sort of like listening to all the conversations in this VW Microbus all at once. You can always change the alert if you want to later. So, enable that feature if you want and you can keep up with what's happening, or you'll know if nothing's happening.

I'll let you know as I discover any more features or secrets of this software.

Addition: One other thing that you should know about this BB software, is that if you quote from a previous post in the manner which is customary [which is left arrow, left arrow, "Quote," right arrow, right arrow], it will eliminate the enclosed quote, which defeats the purpose. The best workaround I have found is using inverted arrows, a right arrow at the front and a left arrow at the end. I know, one more thing to think about. Sorry.

-- Lynn Fuston (, February 04, 1998


Response to One very cool thing about reading messages

Now, if there was a way to respond straight from your mailbox, after you read them, THAT would be way cool!

-- Lynn Fuston (, February 05, 1998.

Response to READ THIS FIRST!!-Some very cool things about reading and posting messages

Bob Lefsetz was asking about paragraphing and some other textual matters. So here's another thing I discovered. If you want to make a new paragraph (normally a double return - which doesn't work with this BB), you can do a return and then type in

[left arrow-p-right arrow] and that will indicate a paragraph break. Interesting, huh? And if you double bracket to enclose a quote, then it deletes the bracketed contents. I would recommend >quote< to quote from a previous post. Happy posting. -Lynn

-- Lynn Fuston (, February 10, 1998.

Response to One very cool thing about reading messages

Thanks Lynn! Already discovered it! It is very useful for a professional lurker like me.I subscribe to varios newsgroups and I really like being able to auto download and read offline. Thanks Robert

-- Robert (, February 04, 1998.

Response to One very cool thing about reading messages

Somehow I stopped getting updates in my e-mail. Hmmm

-- Robert (, February 09, 1998.

Response to READ THIS FIRST!!-Some very cool things about reading and posting messages

I have heard from several people who are having trouble posting or are having trouble accessing this site. I have responded already to them personally, but just wanted you all to know that I don't have any control over the server or the software at this temporary site. If it messes up or goes down, I'm at a loss just like the rest of you. I have discovered that it works better with Netscape than with the Explorer bowser (not a typo) that is bundled with AOL. You also may not realize that you can use Netscape even while signing on through AOL. I discovered this by chance several months ago. You can download Netscape's Navigator browser (version 3.01 works very well) from Netscape's home page. ( After you have the software, all you have to do is log on to AOL in the normal way, but then instead of going through their Internet connection page or typing in Command-K and entering the URL address, you just launch Navigator instead and it will work with AOL's modem line. Know that these two programs each require a lot of memory. I know AOL 3.0 likes to see at least 16M of RAM and Navigator is taking 13.6M of RAM on my computer right now. But if you have the memory available, using Netscape is very cool. I would strongly recommend it over AOL's bundled Microsoft Explorer. This is in no way Gates-bashing, there are just things that work MUCH faster and smoother with Netscape. More importantly, I don't have any problems getting to or posting on the SSS Temp site when I use Netscape.

Just thought I'd let you know. -Lynn

-- Lynn Fuston (, February 10, 1998.

Response to READ THIS FIRST!!-Some very cool things about reading and posting messages

>Somehow I stopped getting updates in my e-mail. Hmmm <

I think if you go to the main page and tell it to alert you to new posts, it will probably add you back on. Or maybe not. Who knows. Try it and see. Let me know.


-- Lynn Fuston (, February 10, 1998.

I have now officially stopped allowing posters to initiate threads due to overwhelming response in favor of the AOL folder-style system. If there are any topics I am still missing, or any that you think should be added, let me know. I am open to adding appropriate folders. There will be some shuffling of contents also as I rearrange the existing posts. I don't think that edited posts will show up in your mailboxes, but if they do, accept my pre-emptive apology.



-- Lynn Fuston (, February 22, 1998.

I have trimmed a few of the extra threads now. I will be adding them back to the appropriate folders, when I have time, so some regulars may be seeing duplicates of old threads. But there's so much useful info there, I know you won't mind.


-- Lynn Fuston (, February 23, 1998.

Several people have asked, and I thought it was a good idea, whether we could have the responses listed in reverse chronology, with the most recent being listed at the top. While this seems perfectly logical to me, it was not well received by the the system operator (sys-op), the guy who wrote the software and pays the bills. His response was as follows:

******************* Lynn Fuston asks: Reverse chronology on each thread. Is that do-able? (he humbly asks the Web-Lord). If so, it would be cool.

Greenspun (the sysop) responds: It is do-able, for sure. But you're the only one who has ever asked for it. So that means I'd have to clutter up the admin interface for all the other publishers.... You could of course just run your own Primehost server with this software and customize it to your heart's delight. The software is free but Primehost charges $200/month for hosting.


So there you have it. I tried. Sorry. -Lynn

-- Lynn Fuston (, February 28, 1998.

Please remember that you can't quote from previous posts using the standard accepted method of "less than, less than, QUOTE, greater than, greater than" because if the post contains the letter "i" then this software (HTML-based) thinks you want to have everything after that in italics . And it also eliminates everything that you quoted, as I'm sure you've noticed. So just use >quote< or just "quote" in quotation marks. Thanks.

-- Lynn Fuston (, March 12, 1998.

Here's one option

Here's a URL for a newsgroup-style listing of all posts made to this forum. That way you can access only individual posts instead of the entire thread. I think it is accessible to anyone, with no password required. It may speed things up a bit. The only drawback is that there is no posting date listed on the individual entries, so you may not be able to tell what you've read or not. It's just another option.

I have also added a Lefsetz folder #2, to expedite posting to that topic. Please post there.

Lynn Fuston

Head Bozo on this Bus

-- Lynn Fuston (, March 22, 1998.

What is the URL for news-group listing of this board? Didn't see it here.


"Here's a URL for a newsgroup-style listing of all posts made to this forum. That way you can access only individual posts instead of the entire thread. I think it is accessible to anyone, with no password required. It may speed things up a bit. The only drawback is that there is no posting date listed on the individual entries, so you may not be able to tell what you've read or not. It's just another option. I have also added a Lefsetz folder #2, to expedite posting to that topic. Please post there.

Lynn Fuston

Head Bozo on this Bus "

-- Robert (, April 29, 1998.

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