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greenspun.com : LUSENET : 3D Audio's Music Business Forum (SSS Temp) : One Thread


From these dimly lit portals, we can see to the future. Or maybe to next month. Hey, that still counts as the future. Let's continue your observations and opinions here for now. It has always been a good forum for venting. So vent on.

-- Lynn Fuston (go3daudio@aol.com), February 03, 1998


I'm here...anyone else?

-- Doug Robinson (Jazzooo@aol.com), February 03, 1998.

Wow! It's Jazzooo! Bummed I didn't see you or run into you at the show. I had an absolute blast, though.

-- Ken/Eleven Shadows (ElevenShad@aol.com), February 04, 1998.

Hey Bob, I'm here too. By the way, I met Bob at NAMM!! He's somewhat different from what I expected, very smiling and jovial. Downright animated, in fact. He seems pretty jazzed about the radio show. So hopefully he'll be able to come here and continue provoking the kind of cool talk that made him a hit on SSS.

-- Craig Anderton (anderton@aol.com), February 04, 1998.

I really felt the absence of the forum today. As for Santa Fe, Im reminded of what Dan Fogelberg sang in one of my favorite songs (Same Old Lang Syne)  the audience is HEAVENLY, but the TRAVELING is HELL! Could just be me, but the day I come back, Im completely wiped. And I was playing Rip Van Winkle. Sleeping the day away (night?). Anyone know that song by Disneyland After Dark? A big bidding war in 1989 and the record stiffed... And I had this dream in the middle of my night. I was at Squaw Valley USA. Showing my mother the aerial tramway. Which goes straight up into the sky there (so steep and rocky, theres no skiing underneath). And then I found myself on this knife edge, over a thousand feet above the river there. Freaked out of my skull. Worried about falling. And when I turned on my machine at noon, I found out an aerial tramway HAD fallen and at least twenty people were killed. HOW WEIRD!! Im not a big believer in the touchy-feely, but every once in a while, it seems too weird. I had this dream at the same time the cable car was falling... And speaking of death... This Karla Faye Tucker thing is too weird. A friend of mine who is a Christian insisted I watch the replay of the Larry King interview... And now shes DEAD!!! Very weird, just like when a celebrity dies in an accident. As for her being executed... I dont believe in the death penalty whatsoever. Therefore amazing that SOME people think she shouldnt have been killed because she was a woman. If you believe in the death penalty, it should be gender blind. But they say statistically, it is no deterrent whatsoever. And I know you can talk about the cost of incarceration, but I just dont think we should be killing people. In AOL 3.0, if I type in Word, it wont post. Cant accept curly apostrophes, etc. So if I wrote in Word, Id post in AOL 2.7. Just like they screwed up the news, sometimes AOL seems to go backward. So maybe were out of that loop. Maybe were truly on to something bigger and better. I certainly hope so!! So were starting here. Once again, everyone is welcome and no subject (except maybe for inappropriate hype) is taboo. It may have my name. But its OUR folder. If you werent here, I wouldnt be doing it. And it would be good to know, on a day when my mood is bad, and I dont feel up to posting, that I could tune in here, and see my buddies posting. It would make me feel like part of a community. I NEED to feel part of a community. The death of our AOL forum has hit me MUCH harder than I anticipated. Id like those bad feelings to evaporate. AND AT LEAST WERE IN CONTROL HERE!!!

-- Bob Lefsetz (lefsetz@aol.com), February 04, 1998.

Did you catch tonight's PI? Just amazing with Gloria Allred. To paraphrase Bon Jovi, she gave feminism a bad name (and lawyers too!) Finally, Bobcat Goldthwaite told her she was NUTS! After saying she had no idea of life, Bill Maher agreed. And the way she made the lamest jokes...you knew she was an unpopular nerd in high school.

-- Bob Lefsetz (lefsetz@aol.com), February 04, 1998.

Hey, Bob. Hey, all! It's good to see at least some of the gang hanging on here. Wouldn't you know the day that SSS gets the boot I get a big gig that I would LOVE to talk to SSS (er, infinites?) about. It seems a local car dealership is redoing its whole ad concept-right down to an original jingle. Statewide with a national buyout. It's been a great experience for me to do all the booking/paying musicians, mixing in a studio, etc. I'm really jazzed to be doing this and it seems like the ad agency likes my stuff and wants me in on a few more projects! Yippee! We mixed yesterday and the spot is in Dallas getting edited right now. In the meantime I've found 2 mistakes on the :30 TV music that bug me but it's too late! Has anyone else run into this? I'd be nice to know I wasn't a complete idiot. Heck, it IS my first try, I just want to have a second and a third! I read with interest Bob's comments on the Carla Faye Tucker thing. To be honest, It's been weighing pretty heavily on my mind. To the point where I actually took a break yesterday at 6:30 to go someplace quiet and contemplate that, less than 150 miles from where I am, a woman was AT THAT MOMENT losing her life. I've always been a proponent of the death penalty and I remain so even after the past few weeks' interviews/opinions/media interpretations, etc, but something has changed. It was always easier to be a supporter of capital punishment when there wasn't a face to associate with it. In some way, I feel like the fact that I support the death penalty has made me an accomplice in what happened yesterday. It's been a strange day. I see her face in the papers today and think "she's dead". Not by accident, not by tragic disease, not by crime or even by her own hand, but because the laws that this state says are just, prudent, and neccesary have caused her life to end. Last night I saw an interesting interview on Nightline. One of the prosecuting attourney's of the case said that he believes that capital punishment is, in some ways, more humane than life without parole. In his opinion, life w/o parole is society's way of getting rid of the problem and keeping a clean conscience. The end result is the same, but at least the rest of society doesn't have to feel guilty about killing someone. Another interesting comment was the fact that capital punishment is society's mechanism of self-defense. That made me mute the tv for a few minutes and think hard. Talked to the ad exec for this commercial yesterday about the case. His comment was that if she really was a Christian, he thought that her conversion should make her see even more the neccesity of retribution for her crime and almost make her embrace her punishment. Like I said, the past week has left me with a whole lot of thinking to do.

-- Jason Young (JasonY@aol.com), February 05, 1998.

JasonY. I'm really impressed with your post. It takes a lot of courage to admit one might have been wrong, and to lay out the debate without a new-found rationalization for all to see. I used to think things were so black and white. Yet, I find it hard to admit to political grays when the right wing is so black and white.

-- bob lefsetz (lefsetz@aol.com), February 05, 1998.

Deep in my brain, I believe many of our old club members/readers aren't aware that we're continuing here. I think it would be great if you could e-mail any and all friends who were members of the old forum and let them know of our new URL.

-- Bob Lefsetz (lefsetz@aol.com), February 05, 1998.

....starting out with a nice and cheery death penalty debate are we? i've always felt that someone who is sentenced to life in prison should have the option of killing themselves privately with no fan-fare if they want (self inflicted lethal injection)...given the choice, i think some people would do it rather than rot in a cell.... as for staged executions... why make media anti-stars out of criminals? (a friend of mine is doing a documentary on serial-killer art and the celebs--johnny depp, john waters-- who collect it! do we really need this?)... and if just one innocent person gets executed, the punisment becomes a crime..... aye-yi-yi!

"i shot a man in reno, just to watch him die" - j cash

-vd king

-- vd king (vdking@aol.com), February 05, 1998.

Just because one supports a severe penalty doesn't mean that he or she likes it.


-- Doug Robinson (jazzooo@aol.com), February 05, 1998.

"His comment was that if she really was a Christian, he thought that her conversion should make her see even more the neccesity of retribution for her crime and almost make her embrace her punishment."

Embracing punishment? Now that's an idea that wouldn't go over very well with anybody, except maybe Kamikazes. No, not even them.

I've thought a lot about this too. It seems if I were in her shoes, I would ask for forgiveness, knowing full well that I deserved to die. There is a place for mercy and grace. If she was a Christian, she knows that and is now in a much better place than she ever was before. But, I do believe there is justification for "an eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth."

I will admit that it made me sick to hear the murdered woman's widower sit there outside the prison at the execution and say "Any murder creates a tear in the fabric of our society, and by punishing it, we are sewing up and repairing that tear." I don't believe that killing someone ever adequately compensates the survivors for their loss. It reminds me of watching parents spank their kids for hitting one of their siblings, all the while screaming "I told you it's not OK to hit your brother, or anybody else for that matter!!" Sort of ironic, huh?


-- Lynn Fuston (go3daudio@mindspring.com), February 05, 1998.

"I think it would be great if you could e-mail any and all friends who were members of the old forum and let them know of our new URL."

That would be great. Could someone run back through some of the archives and get the screen names and do a bulk email. I know DaKingB was keeping a mailing list but I don't know how many people ever signed up. I do know however that many people really did what they were threatening to do and cancelled their AOL accounts, so they are now of unknown whereabouts.


-- Lynn Fuston (go3daudio@mindspring.com), February 05, 1998.

"given the choice, i think some people would do it rather than rot in a cell...."

At the time, I found it quite ironic that the guards saved Ted Kazcinski when he tried to kill himself, because they didn't want him to take away the opportunity for the justice system to do that for him. Do you think, given the cost of keeping prisoners, that maybe suicide should be a viable option? How about the guy that was just sentenced to 450 years of solitary confinement? Don't you think that after about 20 years of that, he might think death would be a better option than waking up again another morning to the same four walls?


-- Lynn Fuston (go3daudio@mindspring.com), February 05, 1998.

I'm here, but not quite sure of my way around. Anyone wanna shed some light? For instance, where am I? Who's board is this? What's the main site? Is there a thread system?

I got here by cutting and pasting the address that Bob emailed.

-- Lesley (yogachik@aol.com), February 05, 1998.

okay, I'm straggling into this cyber SPACE here or there. I've been trying to figure out where the medium meeting place really is. Is there one place that all these internet boards exist? Is there a starting place for these internet boards? I'm amazed that I can get these, and that Bob can can these, and that anyone can get these. Are we on Lynn's homepage? Or are we whereever we are? Anyhow, it looks as though this is gonna be a pretty easy page to access, and submit to. I like that.

-- Anne Leighton (ARLeighton@aol.com), February 05, 1998.

hi all!! just thought I would take a second and say hi...I just found SSS a day before it disappeared... loved it... cant wait for the new home to be finished. I do CD premastering and am getting back into the studio side of the process.... and I can use every bit of the advice I see posted. ok.... now that I have bored you with pointless rambling... I'll return you to your regularly scheduled program

and as far as the death penalty... I think I'll wait until I am on death row to decide my opinion (kidding, guys.... dont call America's Most Wanted, ok?)

-- Troy Baldwin (Audiodude9@AOL.com), February 06, 1998.

"Hey Bob, I'm here too. By the way, I met Bob at NAMM!! He's somewhat different from what I expected, very smiling and jovial. Downright animated, in fact." -- Craig Anderton

I've met Bob once too (Hey, Bob!) and thoroughly enjoyed talking to him. He came over here to record some radio promotional spots for his radio show. The spots were very captivating. The guy's really cool, has some very interesting stories about himself and the music business in general, and is really cool!

-- Ken/Eleven Shadows (ElevenShad@aol.com), February 06, 1998.

I was wholly burned, but I had an obligation. Had to go to the Troubadour to see Robert Bradley. This guy was GREAT!! I'd go on, but I think I'm going to write about it in my newsletter.

And one other incredible thing-NO SMOKE!! COMPLETELY DIFFERENT!! And I smell just fine now. They'd better not repeal this law.

As for this forum... My understanding is Lynn Fuston is a mastering engineer in Nashville who graciously donated this space on his website to keep SSS going until the new site is up.

Why the URL says "greenspun", I have no idea. Ditto the listing of posts. I find the page loads very quickly, but why some posts appear on the top, and others appear on the bottom, I don't know.

I'm fried. I'm off to PI, Seinfeld, maybe Ally McBeal, maybe Friends maybe a couple of newspapers, hopefully some erotic dreams.

-- bob lefsetz (lefsetz@aol.com), February 06, 1998.

I got this from Yogachik, and I thought it quite funny.

She was so-o-o-o-o-o blonde that: > > she thought TuPac Shakur was a jewish holiday > > she sent me a fax with a stamp on it > > she thought a quarterback was a refund > > under "education" on her job application, she put "Hooked On > Phonics" > > she tripped over a cordless phone > > she spent 20 minutes looking at the orange juice box because it said > > "concentrate" > > she put lipsick on her forehead because she wanted to make up her > mind > > she got stabbed in a shoot-out > > she told someone to meet her at the corner of "WALK" and "DONT WALK" > > they had to burn the school down to get her out of third grade > > she took a ruler to bed to see how long she slept > > at the bottom of the application where it says "sign here", she put > > "Sagittarius" > > she asked for a price check at the Dollar Store > > it takes her two hours to watch 60 Minutes > > if she spoke her mind, she'd probably be speechless > > when she heard that 90% of all crimes occur around the home, she > moved > > she thinks Taco Bell is where you pay your phone bill > > when she took you to the airport and saw a sign that said " Airport > > Left" she turned around and went home

-- bob lefsetz (lefsetz@aol.com), February 06, 1998.

Well well! Hmmm, a rousing death debate! Yeah, if we are gonna join the barbaric hoarde from which we sprungeth and murder people in the name of justice ( kinda like the concepts 'religious war' and Killing for Jesus (BTW, He said it is SAID an eye for eye and tooth for tooth, but turn the other cheek! The Right wing contingent of Killings for Christ always neglect to add the END of that little biblical axiom...convenient!;) ) WE should have the executions public and TELEVISED and it should be mandatory viewing for EVERYONE and especially those who think it's an easy thing to flip a switch and extinguish someone else...hey, I'm not saying it's okay to kill anybody, and I can imagine that it would feel like justice to those whose lives were directly affected by such crimes, but two wrongs don't make a right. It's like The State is the Big Hypocritical Parent that says, Do as I say do, not as I do. We all know how successful THAT kind of parenting turns out! ;) That being said, I'm not so sure I wouldn't kill someone myself if the circumstances required it ( self-defense, protection of loved ones)Oddly enough, I feel this sort of killing is appropriate. Maybe because it's about survival and not an abstract like *justice*, plus the blood would be on my hands; not conveniently passed off to an official executioner. I kill, I have to live with it.

-- Mz.Heathens (Heathens@aol.com), February 06, 1998.

Catch last night's PI? Amazing, as good-looking as Luke Perry is, he's far from dumb. And the right wing bitch (hey, it's called PI!!), Ann Coulter, has she got any compassion at all. These women-Laura Ingraham et al-aren't human. But the BEST line of the night was Elayne Boosler's. Robert Shapiro was talking about evidence in the Zippergage scandal and she said "What do you know about evidence??"

As for Seinfeld. Thank god it's going. Shows the difference between true creativity and imitation. The new imitation writers think it's about being idiosyncratic. Larry David realized it was about finding the TRUTH and commenting on that.


-- bob lefsetz (lefsetz@aol.com), February 06, 1998.

Re: The Right Wing Bitch...everytime I see this woman, I'm amazed by her narrow-minded certainty and tenacious defense of the rightwing. Then, when she gets called on it, she flutters her eyelashes and does this girlene trick; like she got caught with her hand in the pink cookiejar...god, it's revolting. She really does herself a great romantic injustice by opening her mouth! Many a stupid man would fall all over her too thin blonde mystique if he didn't know she was an android!She's gonna need some humility pills to get through this life. As for Shapiro, he was brilliantly portraying himself as the balanced and mindlful lawyer; not the genius who got OJ off the bloody hook. Luke shouldn't surprise anyone with his intelligence; you can't take the eye-opening fame ride without coming back a lot smarter, and it's clear he wasn't stupid to begin with. Not all pretty people are stupid. Some of us are dead clever!!! ;) LOL...at making up for the fact that some people expect ignorance to be part and parcel of beauty. As my mama always said, pretty is as pretty does, baby... Beauty has it's own ugly teachings in this life...trust me. There are many nasty ways to find out you are not your beauty, fame, cache, money, stuff, station, husband/wife, etc.etc. You find out you don't want a man who wants you for your beauty, because that need is about him, not you. You find out that envy is an ugly thing, and that people are looking to dismiss your humanity, intelligence, art, contribution, based upon your external appearance; it's just another form of reverse lookism. You find out that men you've known for years who supposedly respect you smile in your face until the day they think they have something you might want ( like access to the powerstructure, for example)and bam! Guess whose ass becomes part of the formula, eh? Tit for tat indeed!So believe me, before you think external beauty is about anything but another illusion, think again.It's all smoke and mirrors, this life...and beauty really is an internal experience; not an external condition, as seductive as the opposite might be... I hate to dismiss people based upon externals ;) but I've not really appreciated *pretty* men since I've grown up and seen the real beauty of character, nobility, courage, integrity. That speaks volumes to me, where the traditional *hunk* leaves me cold. But that's about me...;)

-- Mz.Heathens (Heathens@aol.com), February 06, 1998.

Beauty is truly a sentence. You know this if you are or have been involved with it.

-- Bob Lefsetz (lefsetz@aol.com), February 06, 1998.

Did you catch today's press conference? Wolf Blitzer, CNN, asked Clinton what he had to say to Monica Lewinsky, whose live was changed irrevocably by what happened. Bill took a moment. Then said, "You're good, that's really good." Too much!

-- (lefsetz@aol.com), February 07, 1998.

"Beauty has it's own ugly teachings in this life...trust me. (snip!) You find out you don't want a man who wants you for your beauty, because that need is about him, not you. (another snip!) I hate to dismiss people based upon externals ;) but I've not really appreciated *pretty* men since I've grown up and seen the real beauty of character, nobility, courage, integrity. That speaks volumes to me, where the traditional *hunk* leaves me cold. But that's about me...;) " -- Mz. Heathens

I'd like to think that the external attractiveness and beauty of character, nobility, integrity are not mutually exclusive! I'd like to think that there is some sort of balance in which it's okay to find someone attractive, to want to be attractive, and to also strive for spirituality, integrity, compassion, and other "noble" traits, and to seek these traits in others.

In my limited, perhaps youthful experience, I have found that often the most comfortable path seems to be not found at the extremes of one's attractiveness, but rather, towards the center. At the extremes, we may often have vanity; at the other, resentment railed at the "shallowness" of those seeking physical beauty. A sense of balance is a wonderful thing.

The traits that we seek and value in others is often "all about us". These values (hopefully) change as we change.

-- Ken/Eleven Shadows (ElevenShad@aol.com), February 07, 1998.

>Did you catch today's press conference? Wolf Blitzer, CNN, asked Clinton what he had to say to Monica Lewinsky, whose live was changed irrevocably by what happened. Bill took a moment. Then said, "You're good, that's really good." Too much!<

I loved that moment, but I'm pretty sure I had a different spin on it than you, Bob. Probably because you basically think he did have an affair with her, and I don't. I think this may one of the only women he did NOT have sex with.

Wolf's question was a variation of the old media standard: "When did you stop beating your wife?" If you say you never stopped because you never started, you're likley to be edited and misinterpreted on the 6 o'clock news. I think Clinton was kind of enjoying the joke.

-- Doug Robinson (Jazzooo@aol.com), February 07, 1998.

>I would like to think< Well, Ken, ya know what you think is all about you, too! ;) Re: *pretty*men: Honey, I don't want a man who spends more time in the mirror than I do! LOL! It's a tiresome quality in a man, though I realize in nature it's the male of the species with all the great plumage; that's all about his success at the *mating* dance, is it not? The dull little wrens use that drab for camouflage; so sitting on the nest doesn't make them a sitting duck, eh? ;) Ken, I would NEVER say they are mutually exclusive! What I will say is that the older you get, the more beauty you see in everyone and everything, if you are doing it correctly..;)I wish you success in your seeking... Indeed, the seeking is all about Self in relationship to Other; in this life, Significant Other, as a metaphor for Divine Other, which would be God, Cosmic Consciousness, whatever you want to call it. Eventually, you find out that the Divine Other you seek was inside you the whole time; but they don't tell ya that outright 'til you get fitted with wings...;) Peace, honey...

-- Mz.Heathens (Heathens@aol.com), February 07, 1998.

sorry, got snipped! ;D Eventually, you find the Divine Other you were seeking was inside you the whole time, but they don't tell you outright until they fit you for the wings!!! ;) Peace, honey...

-- Mz.Heathens (Heathens@aol.com), February 07, 1998.

Irrelevant of whether he's guilty or not, I think it took chutzpah to ASK that question. And I loved Clinton's response because it showed humanity. He answered it like a real, intelligent person would, instead of in politcal double-speak. It's like time stopped. And reality seeped in.

-- bob lefsetz (lefsetz@aol.com), February 07, 1998.

Hey, man, like all of a sudden I'm leaning to the right ... and you know that ain't right!

-- fred simon (frednow@aol.com), February 09, 1998.

Did anybody catch the 10 Commandments sketch on Saturday Night Live? With John Goodman playing Moses and Darrell Hammond playing Clinton. Moses was reading the 10 Commandments and when he got to "Thou shalt not commit adultery" Clinton chimed up and wanted to debate the exact meaning of the word adultery. My favorite line was "What if you don't like "know her" in the biblical sense, but she just knows you? I mean, that wouldn't count as adultery, right?" It was a stitch. And Darrell Hammond is amazing as Clinton.

Lynn Fuston

-- Lynn Fuston (go3daudio@mindspring.com), February 10, 1998.

Ok, everything seems to be straight now. Was I the only one for whom the posts started appearing in italics?

Hey, I've got a beef ... can we please stop this insane idea that by killing and mutilating thousands of innocent Iraquis we will somehow keep Saddam Hussein in line?

-- fred simon (frednow@aol.com), February 10, 1998.

The oddest thing about this new site is the fact that I am able to recognize the identity of the poster before scrolling to the bottom of the post. Guess I really got to know this group over the years!

Anyone else bothered by CBS' coverage of the Olympics? It's all commercials, plus they only show the winning run or two, and then the odd American. What happened to when they would show the Olympics over the entire day? Would it have hurt CBS in anyway if they had allowed Turner to air the games all day, like they did one summer long ago? I don't think that TBS is strong enough to keep viewers from watching it on CBS, but it would've been a great addition. I'm really irked by this, at the moment.

-- Lesley (yogachik@aol.com), February 10, 1998.

>The oddest thing about this new site is the fact that I am able to recognize the identity of the poster before scrolling to the bottom of the post. Guess I really got to know this group over the years!<

Funny. I just made that exact same observation to Mz. Heathens earlier this week. It's sort of like recognizing someone's handwriting, except everything's in 12 point Times. No wonder we like to stay in touch. (Although I was shocked to find out that ARLeighton was an "Anne"! How is it that we can communicate so much and sometimes still end up sounding gender-neutral? That's interesting to me. It also happens to me a lot. "How about mastering my record and then we can go out on a date, sweetie?" No, it's really not that bad.

MR Lynn Fuston

-- Lynn Fuston (go3daudio@mindspring.com), February 10, 1998.

That ****ing Picabo. Shes UNBELIEVABLE!! Ive followed this closely. It was at the world championships in Japan prior to the Lillehammer Olympics that she first made her mark. And they interviewed her for the media guide the next year. And asked her hobbies. She said Playing with my boyfriend Mark. The irreverence. Like a rock star. The dominance. Wow! Kinda like the 1927 Yankees. And Tommy Moe had the exact same injury, and is a shadow of his former self. Athletics. I can remember my father pooh-poohing them. Yet, to see someone be so dominant... Im just exuberant. I only wish I could be that confident and have that much success. IM WORKING ON IT!!

As for the CBS coverage...I agree with Yogachik, it DOES suck. I hate they way they spoonfeed it to you. Wish it could be broadcast on the web. So I could watch in depth the things that interested me. And in real time. It would be much better to WATCH Picabo win. I will watch tomorrow night, but the suspense will be gone. But I do recommend the late night show. Kennedy who Ive always hated shows a bit of irreverence and spark. And not about the games, but the feel. Makes me wish I had that job. To filter the experience through my own system.

-- in love with Picabo... (lefsetz@aol.com), February 11, 1998.

>Did anybody catch the 10 Commandments sketch on Saturday Night Live? With John Goodman playing Moses and Darrell Hammond playing Clinton. Moses was reading the 10 Commandments and when he got to "Thou shalt not commit adultery" Clinton chimed up and wanted to debate the exact meaning of the word adultery. My favorite line was "What if you don't like "know her" in the biblical sense, but she just knows you? I mean, that wouldn't count as adultery, right?" It was a stitch. And Darrell Hammond is amazing as Clinton.Did anybody catch the 10 Commandments sketch on Saturday Night Live? With John Goodman playing Moses and Darrell Hammond playing Clinton. Moses was reading the 10 Commandments and when he got to "Thou shalt not commit adultery" Clinton chimed up and wanted to debate the exact meaning of the word adultery. My favorite line was "What if you don't like "know her" in the biblical sense, but she just knows you? I mean, that wouldn't count as adultery, right?" It was a stitch. And Darrell Hammond is amazing as Clinton.<

I liked it, but I thought John Goodman as Linda Tripp in the beginning was even more hyterical... One question... WHERE'S NORM?? I know he was fired from the news, but did he leave completely now? Dammit, SSS and now Norm MacDonald! Bureaucrats suck!


-- Andrew Mazzocchi (MeatWeasel@aol.com), February 11, 1998.

>That ****ing Picabo.<

Let's try to abide by the same standards for language that we did on AOL. That weemed to work pretty well. I promise not to be a prude with the white-out, but let's keep it clean enough for broadcast TV. That standard is low enough that I think few will feel restricted.


-- Lynn Fuston (go3daudio@mindspring.com), February 11, 1998.

>That ****ing Picabo.< Let's try to abide by the same standards for language that we did on AOL

Just to be clear, Lynn, are the asterisks Bob's or did you add them? If Bob did it, isn't that the acceptable convention we used on AOL? I really feel that if we can't actually "enunciate" those words, we need to still be able to implant them in the reader's mind. Don't you agree?

-- fred simon (frednow@aol.com), February 11, 1998.

Let me be clear. I actually used the term. I did not use asterisks. I felt the liberation of the Web. It was Mr. Fuston who added the asterisks. I'm willing to abide by his rules, however, please note I do not endorse them. We live in a land of hypocrisy. Language, unlike guns, never hurt anyone.

-- (lefsetz@aol.com), February 11, 1998.

Are you following this Olympic snowboarding marijuana dispute? Irrelevant of what one thinks of marijuana, it's the guy's excuse that got to me. The second-hand smoke defense. If we've got a president who lies, why shouldn't a snowboarder to save his ass?

-- (lefsetz@aol.com), February 11, 1998.

>>If we've got a president >>who lies, why shouldn't a snowboarder to save his ass?

Clinton said he smoked but didn't inhale. Surfer dude says he did inhale but didn't smoke.

-- fred simon (frednow@aol.com), February 12, 1998.

re: Death penalty A plurality feels that there are some crimes that deserve forfiture of ones life as a penalty, and I agree. Pat Robertson really typified America, by supporting the DP until a "Christian women" was in the on-deck circle. the " 'those' people get what they deserve, unless they're like me." BTW, there is no such thing as prision or the DP as a deterrent, only punishment and rehabilitation, which should be used in tandem. Karla Faye did the latter, but she also recieved the proper punishment.

re: Snowboarding: How does marijuana enhance performance in the downhill, except possibly when time slows to a crawl, allowing you to concentrate? The Finn who bailed on the olympics(and probably the best halfpiper in the world) because he said it didn't represent the ideals of snowboarding had it right. But face it, gen X, you've just been co-opted by the man. Now make as much $$$ while you can like your hippie parents did.

It's good to find this place again

-- Alec Pappas (Alechockey@aol.com), February 12, 1998.

""" CNN, asked Clinton what he had to say to Monica Lewinsky, whose live was changed irrevocably by what happened. Bill took a moment. Then said, "You're good, that's really good." Too much!"""

are you sure you heard correctly? i thought the question was "what did you say to Monica while the two of you were in the oval office?""

-vd king

-- vd king (vdking@aol.com), February 12, 1998.

Just heard the following and wanted to pass it on. Makes me sick!

.c The Associated Press

LOS ANGELES (AP) - Whitney Houston is waiting for the Grammy nominators to get it right.She's unhappy that her album for last year's movie ``The Preacher's Wife'' was nominated in the rhythm and blues category - and said she'll be a no-show at the awards ceremony later this month.``Basically, it was my gospel album and it was excluded from the gospel category altogether,'' Ms. Houston said Wednesday on TV's ``Entertainment Tonight.'' ``I'm not going this year.``I'm sick of work being done and people not recognizing it,'' she said. Ms. Houston, who is married to singer Bobby Brown, also said she was disappointed that her album from the 1996 movie ``Waiting to Exhale'' didn't get any nominations in last year's awards.

-- Jason Young (JasonY@aol.com), February 12, 1998.

I was home, alone, watching the Olympics when I heard the news the other night about the Canadian snowboarder's gold medal being revoked. I laughed out loud, then had a conversation (with no one in particular) about how funny it is, how the rigid, archaic Olympics are being corrupted (and will ultimately be taken over) by the loose, laid-back and young athletes of today. Just take a look at Jonny Moseley's "mute grab" on his winning ski run, taken directly from snowboarding, probably a sport he enjoys on his time off from training. The X-Games have been much more interesting this year, particularly when it comes to cutting-edge reporting and graphics.

I can't help but wonder why CBS didn't hire away someone from MTVs editing department to *at least* edit those "Rock and Roll Moments" properly, or to hire someone who has listened to music in the last couple of months, rather than in 1996 exclusively. It's pathetic, how uncool this coverage has been, but it perfectly reflects how uncool the Olympics are, in general, this time. I know it's not about a coolness factor, but when they're trying sooo hard to be hip and fail so completely, it stands out.

So, meanwhile, here's this snowboarding kid, a fantastic athlete, who hangs out in a world where smoking a joint equals having a beer (for most people). It's a part of the lifestyle. Everyday I'm struck by how Victorian we, as a country, are becoming. Today's most striking example is the story where a junior high school in Orange County has banned hugging. HUGGING! No physical contact of any kind is allowed, particularly hugging. Something is really wrong with this modern world.

Thank god the Olympic committee have overturned their decision, at least there's some hope.

-- Lesley (yogachik@aol.com), February 12, 1998.

((Clinton said he smoked but didn't inhale. Surfer dude says he did inhale but didn't smoke.))

SSSers always did have a way of cutting to the chase!!

Before the death penalty issue drifts away, I just have to say a few things because this is something I feel VERY strongly about. To say "killing is wrong, therefore we will kill you" makes absolutely no sense to me. You don't need religion to believe this, you don't need to believe in "Thou shalt not kill," all you need is the reasoning ability of a banana slug.

Second, the justice system is not infallible. To execute someone innocent is obscene. I would rather see 1000 killers get life in prison than see 1 innocent person be executed.

Third, killing wastes a human life. I think that someone should be sentenced to do some kind of hard work that is beneficial to society. In other words, simply sitting in jail watching TV isn't sufficient to "pay back one's debt to society." That person needs to do something tangible to repay that debt. Repairing clothes for the needy, cleaning items for Goodwill, doing laundry in the prison facilities for a nearby nursing home -- those are lame examples, but you get my drift.

Now, granted if someone did something horrible to someone I knew, my first impulse would be wanting to tear that person limb from limb. But the reason why we have laws is to provide a veneer of civility in this jungle. Besides, look at which states are (I'm pretty sure) in the top 10 for murder rates: Texas and Lousiana, the states that have executed the most prisoners. If the death penality worked as a deterrent, then the argument for it would be strengthened. But that doesn't seem to be the case.

A society that kills people on purpose cheapens life, and that creates a climate where murder is more acceptable. Okay, I'll shut up now!

-- Craig Anderton (Anderton@aol.com), February 13, 1998.

I think Alechockey's got it right on this one. Snowboarding's going to go the way of freestyle skiing, the Olympics aren't going the way of snowboarding. If you're OLD enough, you remember how the freestylers (nee hot doggers) were the degenerate risk-takers in the seventies. Now they've all got their outfits on and skiing so rigidly, leaving the innovation and expression out. Who wants to be in lockstep with everybody else?

Meanwhile, Moseley's grab goes back to SKATEBOARDING, not snowboarding. Although I wouldn't be surprised if he snowboarded. Also, funny how he didn't ski quite as well as everyone else, but the jump just put him over. And it WAS impressive. But not exactly what I'd call skiing. But an all round great guy. Talking on Letterman about scouting babes. Amazing the attitude of the twentysomethings. They're really into it for the camaraderie and good time, unlike the gotta win children of the sixties. I've got to applaud them for this.

-- wowed at Moseley's jump (lefsetz@aol.com), February 13, 1998.

I think Bill Hicks had it right. Talking about the anti-abortioners. "If they're so into saving lives, why aren't they at the gates of cemeteries, wielding their crosses, saying YOU CAN'T COME IN!!"

-- (lefsetz@aol.com), February 13, 1998.

Bill Moe-ers ;) best television moment EVER: Playing some goofy tv gameshow with Eric Estrada, who gets so overjoyed/outa control that he flings his fisted arms up and backward, coldcocking Bill in the schnoze, who fell and rolled across the floor, with some humility, for once in his life. I have NEVER enjoyed a comeuppance moment like the one where he sits with an icepack on his nose on telly...classic! Couldn't happen to a *nicer* guy...LOL!

-- Mz.Heathens (Heathens@aol.com), February 13, 1998.

This f***ing Valentine's Day...

And I'm a last minute person. But feeling a bit out of it last night, when I spoke with a friend, I made plans for this evening. And I never heard from him. So I figured he got hung up at work. Which he said might happen.

So I call him just now, at 8, to leave a message telling I'm gonna blow off the evening, and HE'S HOME! WHEN DID YOU GET HOME?

"About a half an hour ago."

So what do you say, where's dinner?

And he tells me he's cooking a chicken pot pie in the oven. And he figured we'd just made plans to talk on the phone. HUH?? As I told him, have I EVER made plans just to talk on the phone? People, THEY DRIVE ME NUTS!!!

So I'm here alone on Valentine's Day. Angry at the world. Having to go to Santa Fe alone tomorrow. And I'm angry at more too. The way on this bulletin board, carraige returns don't work, so my style is f***ed up. And I appreciate Lynn Fuston's effort, but something just doesn't feel like aol.

And maybe I just had a bad week. Doing my work to no avail. Maybe things will get better. But right now, I'm BUMMED!!

-- (lefsetz@aol.com), February 14, 1998.

Carriage returns are indicated (in html fashion) by typing in "left arrow-p-right arrow".

Lame? Yes.

Sorry. It's a different set of tools (or rules).

Bob, I know none of this will make you feel better. I hope tomorrow's a better day.


-- Lynn Fuston (go3daudio@mindspring.com), February 15, 1998.

Did anybody see the "Riding My Donkey Political Talk Show" on Saturday Night Live? It was hilarious. Sam Donaldson and three other political correspondents sitting around on donkeys talking about the political news. The best line was "I think the American people are smart enough to realize that they need intelligent news reporters out there, bringing them the news while swe sit on our asses." Will Farrell is amazing. And the cheerleaders with Cheri Oteri is the best thing to happen to SNL in the past five years.

Lynn Fuston

-- Lynn Fuston (go3daudio@mindspring.com), February 15, 1998.

< So I call him just now, at 8, to leave a message telling I'm gonna blow off the evening, and HE'S HOME! WHEN DID YOU GET HOME? >>

Guys suck, (don't flame I'm a guy). And being single sucks too, but I've been with my girlfriend for over a year and including the time we time dated in high school it's almost two years, so this was our third valentines day together. We out out for dinner, got bad salads, the wrong food and spilled coffee etc. Overall it's wasn't a great night out, but it was still fun and we could laugh about it because we've known each other so well for about four years. So it's great to not have to play that stupid singles game anymore, but then you get into the "why didn't you call me?" etc. game, so take your pick...

Anyway to get back to my first staement the reason guys suck is because my girlfriends best friend was engaged met another guy that charmed her even though he knew she was engaged, convincd her to break it off because he said he would marry her, and then dumped her on valentines and now her fiance won't take her back or even talk to her on the phone. That's why guys suck, the slimeballs give the rest of us a bad name.

-- Jay Kahrs (BrownSnd14@aol.com), February 16, 1998.

A *Valentine* poem for the *lovelorn* and *worldweary*....;)

From Rainer Maria Rilke...

Already the ripening barberries are red, and the old asters hardly breathe in their beds. The man who is not rich now as summer goes will wait and wait and never be himself.

The man who cannot quietly close his eyes, certain that there is vision after vision inside, simply waiting until nighttime it's all over for him, he's like an old man.

Nothing else will come; no more days will open, and everything that does happen will cheat him. Even you, my God. And you are like a stone that draws him daily deeper into the depths.

-- Mz.Heathens (Heathens@aol.com), February 17, 1998.

....so i'm in a restaurant sat. nite with some friends...the waitress is very very good looking and her name is ....."valentine"... really.....now wouldn't you call in sick on 2/14 if that was your given name?... wouldn't that be better than hearing idiot's go "hey will you be my valentine?" 40 trillion times all day? or put a fake name on your tag.... at least it's not as bad as a girl i went to high school with..."candy barr"...and her brother "buddy"....

-vd king

-- it stands for valentine's day (vdking@aol.com), February 17, 1998.

VD-How CAN you be sure (apologies to Felix Cavaliere) that her name was really Valentine? Couldn't it have been a one time thing, for the day? Anyone else see "The Wedding Singer"? Not bad, not fantastic. I'm a sap for these romantic movies. And the message about there being a true love you connect with. I know that connection. Have gone against it. And the missed connections. And how someone tracks you down when they really want to.

-- (lefsetz@aol.com), February 18, 1998.


Good point. Turns out her name was really St. Patrick.

I also saw the Wedding Singer, and agree with your mini-review. Some nice moments but it felt thrown together and innapropriately low-budget to me. And I thought Drew Barrymore looked about 13! It actually creeped me out to think of her having sex with those older guys, really.

Daryl Zero (with Bill Pullman and Ben STiller) actually aspires to be a better movie than it is, and that makes it enjoyable. Sphere is a standard, paint-by-numbers sci-fi thriller with some witty dialogue, and a completely (to me) unsatisfying third act.

-- Doug Robinson (jazzooo@aol.com), February 18, 1998.

I just saw "Zero Effect" (with Daryl Zero, the protaganist...) earlier tonight. It was a charming movie, really. And Jazzooo's right. It tries to be better than it actually is, but it is still quite enjoyable. Bill Pullman's almost too likeable to be a societal outcast believably, but whatever. Is this supposed to be a modernized Sherlock Holmes? I believe I am the only person in the United States who has not seen "Titanic".

-- Ken/Eleven Shadows (ElevenShad@aol.com), February 22, 1998.

OK, Ken, I'll bite: why haven't you seen Titanic? They didn't use Behringer equipment on the mixdown, did they? ;)

That was meant as sly wit and the proof that I have some memory-related brain cells left, not as an indictment of your principles...you know that, right?

-- Doug r (Jazzooo@aol.com), February 22, 1998.

> I believe I am the only person in the United States who has not seen "Titanic". <<

That makes two of us. Maybe we should go together?

-- Lynn Fuston (go3daudio@mindspring.com), February 22, 1998.

Ha! Behringer equipment? I don't think that Uli and the boys will try and copy the design of the Titanic...

Ummm, I just haven't gotten around to seeing it, I guess. It's funny -- a lot of people who have seen it preface it by saying, "You know, it was much better than I thought it would be!" So Lynn, we could catch the early bird twilight special at the AMC in Burbank tomorrow if you'd like...

My friend wants to go see "Good Will Hunting", which I guess is supposed to be good. Lately, I've been so focused on going to school and other things that I'm not even aware of most of the movies that are out there. My friends have been simply dragging me off to movies once in a while. I saw "Fallen" with Denzel Washington a while back. This was the most embarrassingly awful screenplay I've seen in quite some time. It struck me as the sort of movie that kept thinking that it was more profound, more deep than it could ever be -- sort of like a talk with a really stoned 8th grader while stargazing. I think one of these stoned 8th graders wrote the screenplay, actually. Some of the cinematography was kinda interesting, though.

Went to the Getty Center. It was huge and the grounds were pretty and well-designed and airy and spacious. The buildings were quite nice, with gorgeous views of the surrounding Los Angeles area, proving once again that no matter how ugly something is, it can be beautiful when seen from afar! Actually, that part of Los Angeles is pretty nice...it was just an easy potshot! Oh, and there were exhibits inside, too! 14th-15th C. Italian paintings, many of them religious in nature...more or less the same sorts of exhibits as you may have come to expect in the other Getty Museum -- the one in Malibu, which is probably hard to get to right now because of the rains, mudslides, traffic, and general El Nino mayhem.

And finally, I am listening to some Susana Baca, which is Afro-Peruvian music. About 500 years ago, African slaves were brought over to S. America. The music that they make is an interesting melding of African rhythms and flamenco guitar and Peruvian mountain music. I wrote a review of it on my website. Anyway, it's good music. I also finally found my Smashing Pumpkins CD (I lost it when I moved a few months ago), and forgot that "Pisces Iscariot" is actually a pretty darn good CD, all in all.


-- Ken/Eleven Shadows (ElevenShad@aol.com), February 23, 1998.

<< About 500 years ago, African slaves were brought over to S. America. The music that they make is an interesting melding of African rhythms and flamenco guitar and Peruvian mountain music>>

They started shipping folks over THAT quickly?? maybe 450 years ago, Pizarro didn't conquer Peru until 1530. And the Portuguese were the ones who widely imported slaves into S. America; the spanish territories in S. America didn't have as much to offer as the W. Indies. I guess what I'm getting at is, how much of this world music is authentic,and how much is contrived music mass produced for us gringos looking to soothe their "animal spirits"? Especially styles like the one described above? The description offers potential, but I'm no ethnographer.

-- Alec Pappas (Alechockey@aol.com), February 23, 1998.

I ain't seen "Titanic" either, and I ain't planning on it either until it shows up on the idiot box(or is that this device I'm using now?) The one thing that I am on the opposite spectrum right now is, does anybody else enjoy Comedy Central's "Viva Variety" or have you even seen it? Being a fan of both "Sabado Gigante" AND "the State" may explain some things, but the show is like watching a train wreck,but always gets has me laughing. SOMEONE PLEASE HELP ME!!!!!

-- Alec Pappas (Alechockey@aol.com), February 23, 1998.

>>I believe I am the only person in the United States who has not seen >>"Titanic"

Tried to see it, but it was sold out ... saw "Jackie Brown" instead and dug it a lot, not the least of which for the great music.

I wanna see "Titanic" on the big screen ... otherwise, why bother?

-- fred simon (frednow@aol.com), February 23, 1998.

titanic? haven't seen that one yet...i think i know how it ends though... for 200 million, you could probably build the titanic.... got around to renting "children of the revolution"...very cute except for this unexplainable seasaw camera motion at times......sad that hee haw's grandpa jones died...good radio tribute to him over the weekend...at least he didn't die skiing into a tree...

-vd king

-- vd king (vdking@aol.com), February 23, 1998.

--As for the CBS coverage...I agree with Yogachik, it DOES suck.As for the CBS coverage...I agree with Yogachik, it DOES suck.--

First of all, I haven't seen the Titanic movie either, so don't feel too alone.

About the Olympics...I saw the Tara Lipinsky/Michelle Kwan skating event, and Kwan was obviously hoping for a gold. But what bothered me were the commentators acting like it was a major disaster that she "only" got a silver medal!! I mean, wow, 17 years old, and the best she can get is a silver medal at the Olympics! What a loser! Guess she has nothing to look forward to in life any more.

Just had to vent, sorry.

-- Craig Anderton (Anderton@aol.com), February 23, 1998.

Yeah, well, I haven't seen Titanic yet. Seems that all us FOB's (friends of Bob's) haven't much interest in that over-hyped 3 hour long movie. I know I can't be persuaded to see it. I never saw Jurassic Park or Twister, either, though. Never have been much of an event movie-goer.

-- Lesley (yogachik@aol.com), February 23, 1998.

>> They started shipping folks over THAT quickly?? maybe 450 years ago, Pizarro didn't conquer Peru until 1530. And the Portuguese were the ones who widely imported slaves into S. America; the spanish territories in S. America didn't have as much to offer as the W. Indies. I guess what I'm getting at is, how much of this world music is authentic,and how much is contrived music mass produced for us gringos looking to soothe their "animal spirits"? Especially styles like the one described above? The description offers potential, but I'm no ethnographer.

Well, this isn't really soothing music in any sort of New Agey sense. Some of it is quite sad and longing. Susana Baca grew up in the black neighborhood of Chomillos, just outside Lima, Peru. Her blend of Afro-Peruvian music was shunned by Peruvian record and radio executives for three decades, forcing her to put it out on her own record label. I haven't thoroughly investigated her beginnings, or the music that exists in Chomillos, but it doesn't smack of something overly contrived to me. It's currently available on the LuakaBop label, which is run by former Talking Head David Byrne. And byes, according to my notes, the slaves were brought over in the 1500s, which would correspond with the five hundred year mark that I said previously -- assuming that my notes are accurate, of course! Well, I guess that would perhaps be *almost* five hundred years ago.

-- Ken/Eleven Shadows (ElevenShad@aol.com), February 23, 1998.

The Olympics coverage by CBS (Can't Broadcast Sports) that I saw was embarrassing. I don't know who the heck Scott Hamilton is, but the guy certainly is not a very effective announcer. Last week, we were doing imitations of him -- "Oh, here it comes...(hushed tone) triple lutz...oooooh.....here it comes....there she goooEEEEESS...TRIPLE LUTZ!!!!! OOH! HA HA! SHE DID IT! SHE DID IT!!!! A triple lutz! Oooooooh, that was soooo amazing!" Yeah, and Michelle Kwan *only* got a silver? I hafta agree with Craig -- that's really poor coverage and commentary. Sheeeesh! I wish *I* could be that big of a loser...

And regarding Yogachick's comments on blockbuster movies -- that's my fear. Blockbuster often equates with "eeegads, I just wasted two hours of my life!". "Twister" was one of the worst huge movies I've seen. That thinly veiled protaganist/antagonist thing, the wooden acting, and the stupid contrived dialogue was beyond embarrassing. I did find it funny that Helen Hunt's character would get herself all muddy, and would be forced to change into yet one more white tank top, identical to the previous ones. Are these standard issue tornado chaser outfits? And equally funny was Bill Paxton and Helen Hunt resisting getting whirled away by a huge tornado by both hanging on to a leather belt while an entire barn and tractors and buses are being yanked away and thrown miles away. Very funny! Or the fact that a bunch of tin cans with sensors cannot lift off the ground, but the tractor next to them can. Hmmmmmm... much more, but I'll stop here.

-- Ken/Eleven Shadows (ElevenShad@aol.com), February 23, 1998.


Ok, so the CBS coverage really blew chunks alot of the time but it wasn't all terrible. After all they did broadcast the great Hermanators splat in the mens's downhill, and the hockey games were broadcasted live even if it was at midnight but I stay up late anyway, so who cares. Scott Hamilton is/was a big figure skating star in the late 80's, I could ask my mom for more about because she's into skating bigtime. But I don't really care for it, I'm just gald that they braodcasted the hockey games without those little sidebars about how horrible the cabs are, but just try and get a cab in NYC...

-- Jay, A guy who tried to get a cab in NYC yesterday (BrownSnd14@aol.com), February 24, 1998.

<,Kwan was obviously hoping for a gold. But what bothered me were the commentators acting like it was a major disaster that she "only" got a silver medal!!>>

Well, I was personally shocked that she looked and acted so obviously let down--I'm sure she was crushed, but it still lacked grace--that to me was worse than reporters picking up on her own attitude and asking her about it. But I doubt if many of us have ever worked and trained as hard for something as she has.

-- Doug Robinson (jazooo@aol.com), February 24, 1998.

By the way--Scott hamilton is an AMAZING skater. I do like watching some skating, and nobody in the last few years has been as exciting to watch as Hamilton. As for his commentator style, I like him. He knows all of these skaters well, and watches them train, learns all about their routine. He ain't dialing it in.

But I believe his appeal is more toward women, who are generally more relationship-oriented in the way they connect than men, who comment more on events.

-- Doug Robinson (jazzooo@aol.com), February 24, 1998.

Yeah, I can see that point. I kinda like the more relationship-oriented angle, actually (does that make me more feminine? Just kidding...) It was just the "Ooooh....oooooooh....here it comes...." bit that was a little grating after a while. But I did sense that the enthusiasm was genuine. I don't think you could be *that* silly if it weren't! He also seemed to know his skating. Still, though, it made for a fun week of a bunch of us doing Scott Hamilton impressions!!!

-- Ken/Eleven Shadows (ElevenShad@aol.com), February 24, 1998.

Speaking of watching skaters, I was especially impressed with the routine that this guy from France had -- Philippe, was it? The one who did the Dartanian (sp?) motif.

-- Ken/Eleven Shadows (ElevenShad@aol.com), February 24, 1998.

1. SEE "Good Will Hunting". Totally predictable script, but the music fits marvelously and Robin Williams is exceptionally good. Some movie star said EVERBOYD identifies. I did. I loved it.

2. "Titanic". Bullseye! Re the FOB thing. I ain't seen it either. Two main reasons. One, I don't think I can hold off going to the bathroom for that long. Two, I heard the script is predictable and shi**y. And that's EXACTLY why I go to the movies. For a detailed, riveting script. So three hours for special effects??? "Twister" was a huge hit, and I forced myself to watch it on HBLOW, and it sucked. Saw the first "Jurassic". It was pretty good. But I think the second was made by the alter-Spielberg. (Maybe "Amistad" too which I haven't seen?) I want greatness. Life is too short for this unending mediocrity.

3. Olympics. The Herminator!!! Now that's truly greatness. As memorable a fall as the one at the beginning of "Wide World Of Sports". And did you see him charge on that GS course??? Amazing. Taking chances when he would have won anyway. A hero you can believe in, from the outside anyway.

As for the coverage. First, Jim Nantz just sucked. Jim McKay was the best ever. Like Costas, but not as games host. Too all-knowing and smug. But on the old "Later" show... "Up Close And Personal" has become a clichi, but CBS certainly needed more of it.

Re-Scott Hamilton. As Gloria Steinem once said, it's the jockocracy... Just because you're a great athlete, that doesn't mean you're a great commentator. Then again, Christin Cooper was great, and Mary Carillo sucked... (Can I be politically incorrect here and ask about Mary's sexuality???)

As for Kwan's silver. You've got to be kidding giving her sh*t. She trained for YEARS for this. If you think this is about games...you should only have watched the curling (which I found MUCH more riveting than the figure skating). A gold is worth millions. A silver? A fraction of that. Get real. And you can't compete again for the gold for another four years!!!! And all that parental pressure. Shoot Danny Kwan.

-- (lefsetz@aol.com), February 24, 1998.

Thought you might find this interesting-from last week's "Newsweek":

"The Temple and the Tube"

Why is CBS so sappy--and where was Picabo? TV types just don't get the Games. By Frank Deford

Let's play a game. let's suppose. Let's suppose that the CBS venue scouts never did see that Zenkoji temple, so CBS couldn't put its Olympic broadcast central there. Let's suppose, instead, that CBS put it in a, oh, a lively karaoke bar or in the Olympic Village or under the ski jump. Anywhere else. Anywhere but by that damn picturesque, solemn temple. Because once CBS was set up there it was obvious that the network was bound and determined to make its prime-time show so hopelessly grave, so picturesque-y, so Buddhist-y, that the viewer would actually look forward to that persistent, grating AT&T commercial about Bobby Templeton. Sometimes, you see, it's best to play against type. CBS is the most serious of the sports networks, and Jim Nantz has succeeded as a comforting presence--never as a witty or pointed one. At the Masters, for example, the reverential CBS coverage verges on the obsequious. Now, put sobersided CBS and its host, Nantz, before that temple and dress him monklike in drab browns and grays--while everybody else is wearing bright, multicolorful snow garb--and we are bound to be going too much in the same direction. Toward tedium. This is especially so when these kinds of affected words are put up for poor Jim to open the show with: "What more can we become?... We seek the answer in the mountains." Cut to snow shot. How many words is it that the Eskimos are supposed to have for snow? A hundred? Well, then, how many silly, sappy things can sports-network people say about snow at the Winter Olympics? CBS must have come up with a thousand. It's time CBS (and NBC) realized that by now the Olympics are old hat. We've seen the opening ceremonies before. We've seen the doves of peace. And we're bored with it all. Another problem that all the networks face is that most Olympic sports are rarely on TV, so the expert commentators are loath to criticize their sport in its one big moment. Before CBS ripped off his Nike epaulets in mid-Olympics, Jim Rippey offered snowboarding analysis that consisted almost exclusively of "hey, buddy," "bum, daddy" and "awesome." And in figure skating--on TV all the time now--there was simply no excuse for Scott Hamilton to keep gushing "great," "huge" and "big.'' Where CBS has stood out was with its often beautifully crafted vignettes. The piece on Yelena Bereznaya, the Russian pairs silver medalist, who was brutalized by her former partner then almost accidentally killed by his skate blade in practice, was an absolute thing of beauty. Bill Geist, the token court jester, provided some wry bits. And Verne Lundquist, Tim Ryan and Al Trautwig avoided the gummy, cloying pomposity that CBS wrapped the temple in. It was not their fault that the ratings for these Olympics plunged below worst expectations. What CBS may have learned too late is that it's time for all Olympic networks to stop fighting the last war. It has become gospel that Olympics must be presented for women, building them around women's gymnastics in summer, women's figure skating in winter. Currency doesn't count; in fact, live is bad. Silly women don't want competition and real news. No, the frail darlings can suffer only pretty little packages of presentations tied up in network ribbons. Well, women and men alike were peeved that NBC denied viewers whole chunks of women's softball and soccer games at Atlanta, while more little-girl gymnastics were jammed down our throats. Likewise, when the snows came to Nagano and canceled the Alpine skiing events that dared to be live, CBS could, it seemed, only fall back on showing more figure skating. Practice sessions! I'm no wizard. I had no premonition that Picabo Street was going to win the Super G, but I do know that she and Jayson Williams of the New Jersey Nets are probably the two most engaging athletes in America right now, and I kept saying: Why isn't CBS building Picabo up? What dummy is pushing Tara Lipinski over Picabo Street? Hey, CBS, didn't you tell me that the answer was in the mountains? But the worst was to come. When Picabo was winning the Super G, CBS made the incredible call not to let Nantz reveal what was surely developing into the best story of the '98 Games. Unbelievably, CBS actually held news so the network could tease it and package it for 24 hours later. By then, of course, the tension was gone. The surprise. The now-ness that makes sports special. Even then, though, Nantz was forced to open the program coyly, reading some convoluted reference to "there's gold on the line in the Super G and Picabo Street knows it." As a CBS spokesman later explained, it was more important for the network to "protect" the story than to show it. You see, the U.S. Olympic deal is that CBS holds all rights to action until it screens it. The irony, of course, is that not only did CBS insult its viewers, but it outsmarted itself. Had CBS gone live with the race, sure, it would have moved the pictures into the public domain, but the whole next day Picabo's dash would have been shown on every newscast in America. Then CBS could have come back with a reprise, an interview, reaction. It's really amazing how the best sports people lose their best news instincts at the Olympics. Now, to give the Devil its due, CBS was unlucky. It got caught with a lot of snow at the end of what had been a successful cycle of presenting the Games. But NBC better learn these lessons well, and change the formula, or Sydney and Salt Lake City are surely going to mean more diminishing returns.

Newsweek 2/23/98 Society/The Temple And the Tube

-- (lefsetz@aol.com), February 24, 1998.

Re-Scott Hamilton. Best known for three things:

1: having a glandular problem as a child, making him the scale model of a human being he is today

2: The 1st to attempt a flip in Olympic competition; he failed in doing so.

3: Having testicular Cancer, which is in remission

-- Alec Pappas (Alechockey@aol.com), February 24, 1998.

The best commentary in Nagano was provided by the color man on bobsledding/luging: great analysis, great one-liners, great forecasting.

-- Alec Pappas (Alechockey@aol.com), February 24, 1998.

I agree!! That bobsled guy was good. Knowledgeable and enthusiastic. It MEANT something to him.

I wanted Kennedy's job. I hate her, but I thought she was better here. But she got a LOT of sh*t for her performance.

As for Bill Geist, Howard Thompson took me to a sushi bar where we ate that blowfish, and I'm still here!

My favorite commentator was Christin Cooper. You look at her, and you say (my mother's voice!) she needs a haircut, she's not really that attractive, but she's got this weird charisma. Wrote her a fan letter once. But didn't know she was married!! Very intelligent. And this is weird, because on that level, even though it's skiing, many of the athletes are jocks.

Meanwhile, where is it written that TV commentators can't wear hats?

-- (lefsetz@aol.com), February 24, 1998.

Went to see Titanic. It SUCKED!! Was terrible. If you've got no hankering to see it, DON'T! Completely bogus predictable script. And the iceberg was fakey and when they hit it very little drama. Almost interminable. If it hadn't been this phenomenon, I would have walked out.

-- (lefsetz@aol.com), February 25, 1998.

Grammy Chat ... Bob Dylan's set invaded by writhing half naked man with "Soy Bomb" painted on his chest ... Aretha Franklin sang "Respect" and *missed* the entrance of "R-E-S-P-E-C-T"!!!! ... later, she absolutely slayed as a substitute for Pavorotti (!!!!) singing an Italian operatic aria, Aretha-style -- *that's* how opera should be sung ... NARAS and the Grammy producers pay their respects to jazz by having Bill Cosby talking over 2/3 of the tune ... I'm sorry, but I don't get Fiona Apple ... Vince Gill sings like the God Of Nectar ... and finally, the Bonnie Raitt Award to 40-year-old-woman-makes-good goes to Shawn Colvin, who won Best Song and Best record, and deservedly so, for "Sunny Came Home" -- right on!

-- fred simon (frednow@aol.com), February 26, 1998.

The most memorable parts of the show were definitely when Aretha missed the R-E-S out of Respect, and when she stood in for Lucianno Pavarotti (sp?). And do they need the Hell's Angels to handle security for the stage? What's up with that? Protect our national treasures. Could someone have wandered in with a gun and gotten that close to Dylan, not that anybody would want to, but frankly it's a little bit scary to me. Also, who saw the set piece go flying up between Vanessa Williams legs at the first of the show? That was pretty scary. And I thought Kelsey Grammer was like cardboard. Give me Billy Crystal anyday, or Ellen, even though I don't care for her. At least she did a killer opening last year. And it was entertaining.


-- Lynn Fuston (go3daudio@mindspring.com), February 26, 1998.

lost my job of 10 years today.... liberating and depressing at the same time... the powers that be dissolved my whole department..."your positons no longer exist".... now i'm just a dilbert statistic. i get to be a ghost in my office for a month or two, then i'll be practicing for my new job..."sir, you can supersize those fries for only 39 more cents...."

-vd (burger)king

-- (vdking@aol.com), February 26, 1998.


From most accounts that's the way it happened (well not the fakey iceberg), but that's why no one believed the ship was sinking.

Regardless of what I think of a movie....if it's supposed to be based on a historical event, I'm more impressed when they stay truer to the story than overdramatizing everything.

-- (RonReitz@aol.com), February 26, 1998.

"the iceberg was fakey and when they hit it very little drama"

the quotation that I was referring to. For whatever reason the quotes took but the text didn't

-- (RonReitz@aol.com), February 26, 1998.


I don't know if I'd call Bob Dylan a national treasure, but he's definatley a legend in his own time. As far as somebody pulling a gun on him, what about John Lennon... just food for thought...

On a lighter note, I saw all of 5 minutes of the Grammeys and I got to see the "soy bomb" that was great, it actually made the front cover of the newspaper out here in north NJ (the Star Ledger if anybody cares) I saw the resr of the highlights on the news at noon, except for Aretha's missing the R-E-S. However I did catch the end of the performance with the "Blues Brothers". It just ain't the same without Joliet Jake. By the way has anybody seen the new movie yet? I don't know if I can bear to sit through it. Even though I like John Goodman, he's just not Jim Belushi.

-- Jay Kahrs (BrownSnd14@aol.com), February 26, 1998.

>>By the way >> has anybody seen the new movie yet? I don't know if I can bear >>to sit through it. Even though I like John >> Goodman, he's just not Jim Belushi

Or John Belushi.

-- fred simon (frednow@aol.com), February 27, 1998.

"the iceberg was fakey and when they hit it very little drama>>

I actually liked the fact that there was very little drama when they hit the 'berg. It was like the people who saw it happen freaked, and then calmed down, the same way when you avoid a major accident in yer car. I actually liked the movie (even tho I went in very cynical... hated both Twister and Jurrassic Park...)

That said, I watched my old tape of Taxi Driver the other night... Liked it, yet again, much better than any recent movie I've seen. Not many special effects, eh? I also just bought The People Versus Larry Flynt. LOVE the Supreme Court scene... How'd they get those guys to act in the movie?? Heh heh...


-- Andrew (MeatWeasel@aol.com), February 27, 1998.

I got this in my mail box today and thought it would be great for those of you who haven't seen Tiatanic yet. I got dragged to see it by my grilfriend, but she sat through Spinal Tap so I guess it's fair...

<< Many of you have seen the film "Titanic," which is about a great big boat that sank like a hundred years ago that for some reason everyone is just now getting worked up about. Some of you - I am speaking to the women here - have seen this movie several times. And I would like to know why.

Have the principles of film-making not been adequately explained to you, so you think there's a chance the movie will end differently if you see it again? Do you think this is a "Choose Your Own Adventure" movie? Because it's not.

No matter how many times you see it, the boat is going to sink, and the same people are going to die, including the guy who falls and whacks his noggin on the railing on the way down.

I think this movie is entirely too long. The actual sinking of the Titanic took only four hours; the movie is easily three times thatlong.

As a public service, then, I am offering my much-shortened screenplay which some ambitious film-maker can feel free to use as the script for a shorter version of "Titanic." All I want in return is a lot of money.

(Scene 1)

KATE WINSLET: Why, this is a fancy boat, isn't it?

KATE'S WEASELLY FIANCE: Yes it certainly is. Here is the art you asked for. It is by an artist named "Picasso." I am certain he will amount to nothing.

KATE: Ha ha ha. That is very funny to our 90's audience, because they know this priceless paintings will sink with the boat.

LEONARDO DICAPRIO: Hello, I'm Leonardo DiCaprio. Perhaps you have seen the many Internet sites dedicated to the worship of me. You are very pretty.

KATE: Thank you. So are you.

LEONARDO: I know. Prettier than you, in fact. I am going to put on my "brooding" face now, to ensure that women will keep coming back again and again to see this movie. Later, my white shirt will be soaking wet.

KATE: While you're doing that, I will concentrate on standing here and looking pretty, to keep the men in the audience interested until the boat sinks and people start dying.

WEASELLY FIANCE: Excuse me. I do not like you, Leonardo, even though you saved my fiancee's life. I am going to sneer at you and treat you like dirt because you're poor, and then I'll probably be physically abusive to my fiancee, and then, just to make sure the audience really hates me, and to make sure my character is entirely one-dimensional, perhaps I'll throw an elderly person into the water.

AUDIENCE: Boo! We hate you! Even though all real people have at least a few admirable qualities, we have not been shown any of yours, and plus, you're trying to come between Leonardo and Kate, and so therefore we hate you! Boo! (Even though technically it is Leonardo who is coming between you and Kate. But Leonardo is handsomer than you, even though he is only 13, so we are on his side. Boo!)


(Scene 2)

LEONARDO: I'm glad we snuck away like this so that you could cheat on your fiance.

KATE: So am I. Even though I am engaged to him and have made a commitment to marry him, that is no reason why you and I cannot climb into the backseat of a car and steam up the windows together. The fact that I am the heroine of the movie will no doubt help the cattle-like audience forgive me of this, though they would probably be VERY angry indeed if my fiance were to do the same thing to me.

AUDIENCE: Darn straight we would! Moo! We mean, Boo!

LEONARDO: I agree. First, I would like to draw you, though, so of course you have to take off your clothes.>

KATE:But can a movie with five minutes of continuous nudity be at all successful in say, Provo, Utah, where the audiences might not stand for that sort of thing?

LEONARDO: I would be willing to bet that for the first three weeks the film is in release, every single showing at Wynnsong Theater in Provo will sell out.

NARRATOR: According to Wynnsong manager Matt Palmer, that is exactly what happened.

KATE: All right, then. (sound of clothes hitting the floor)


(Scene 3)

FIRST MATE: Captain, we're about to hit an iceberg.

CAPTAIN: Great, I could use some ice for my drink. (sound of drinking)>

ICEBERG: (hits boat)

FIRST MATE: That can't be good.

CAPTAIN: Bottoms up!

AUDIENCE: (silence)

FIRST MATE: That was irony, you fools.

AUDIENCE: Baa! Moo! Where's Leonardo?


(Scene 4)

LEONARDO: I have been informed that this boat is sinking

KATE: That is terrible

LEONARDO: Would you like to engage in some more immoral-but-justified behavior?

KATE: Certainly.

WEASELLY FIANCE: (aside) I'm getting the raw end of the deal here: (to Leonardo) Listen, Leonardo, to cement my morally-dubious-yet-somehow-less-annoying-than-you personality, I am going to handcuff you to this pipe, here in a room that will soon be filling with water, due to the fact that we are sinking, which I believe has been mentioned previously.

LEONARDO: Why don't you just shoot me?

WEASELLY FIANCE: Because then you wouldn't be able to escape and save Kate from me. Of course, you're going to die anyway-

AUDIENCE: Don't spoil it for us! Boo!

LEONARDO: He's right, though. I am doomed.

AUDIENCE: Aww, look how cute he is when he's doomed.

WEASELLY FIANCE: I hate you people.

*** (Scene 5)

150-YEAR-OLD-KATE: And that's when Leonardo rescued me from my evil fiance and helped me float on a board in the water. Of course, if it hadn't been for having to rescue HIM, I could have gotten on an actual lifeboat, and not frozen my legs nearly off. Anyway, he's pretty much dead now, and I'm well over a thousand years old, and who's making my supper? I need a bath. Turn down that Enya music, it's making my ears hurt. You kids today, with your loud music. Why, when I was - hey! Don't you walk away from me, Mr. Snooty-Patootie! I'd turn you over my kneee, if I had one. I'll beat you in the head with this huge diamond! Come back here!

(Fade to black; roll credits; play annoying Celine Dion song.)>>

-- Jay Kahrs (BrownSnd14@aol.com), February 28, 1998.

Leonardo WAS much better looking than Kate. Only problem with this new version was it was too long. I don't know whether to write a review or a script.

Review: We know a tragedy is coming, so we sit through two hours of crap waiting to see expensive digital effects.


Kate Weasel: Save me from my fiancee.

L.C: Okay, but like all plays since "Romeo and Juliet" it has to be a tragedy. I'll die. I'll make the ship hit an iceberg so I can die and the audience can cry over me, even though I'm smoking cigarettes and testing limits in my hotel room right now, laughing all the way to the bank.

-- (lefsetz@aol.com), February 28, 1998.

Well, I'm not embarrassed to say I really dug Titanic. Yep, predictable--although it was based on actual, well-covered events. Yep, the characters were fairly to completely one-dimensional. But they played their parts and moved the story forward to a gut-wrenching climax for me.

To trash a movie based on the fact that it uses special efx misses the point--this wasn't Secrets and Lies, Pt. 2. It was an action/adventure movie. As for the efx, except for that cheezy looking iceberg (which mercifully goes off the screen after a brief appearance, the rest of the efx blew my mind. So little appreciation for what it takes to create something like that around here...


I must be completely different than most. I see movies 2 and 3 times over the course of a few months or sometimes years. I almost always see something new: a different character's point of view, a music cue that I missed the first time, the camera work--these things are often fascinating. Nobdoy gripes about listening to a favorite piece of music more than once. Why6 is film different?

-- Doug Robinson (Jazzooo@aol.com), March 04, 1998.

I don't know why I got cut off, but...

To trash a movie based on the fact that it uses special efx misses the point--this wasn't Secrets and Lies, Pt. 2. It was an action/adventure movie. As for the efx, except for that cheezy looking iceberg (which mercifully goes off the screen after a brief appearance), the rest of the efx blew me away. I've never even imagined that someone could capture the force of water going wherever it wanted so completely.

As for the efx, except for that

-- Doug Robinson (jazzooo@aol.com), March 04, 1998.

>Have the principles of film-making not been adequately explained to you, so you think there's a chance the movie will end differently if you see it again?<

>I must be completely different than most. I see movies 2 and 3 times over the course of a few months or sometimes years. I almost always see something new: a different character's point of view, a music cue that I missed the first time, the camera work--these things are often fascinating. Nobdoy gripes about listening to a favorite piece of music more than once. Why is film different?<

Film isn't different, but I think the original comment was made in sarcasm about people (women) who go back and watch it 4-5 times just so they can see everybody alive again... Lighten up man.

-- Jay Kahrs (BrownSnd14@aol.com), March 05, 1998.

COMPLETELY different media. Films have a PLOT! It's about following something linear. With music it's more about a subliminal feeling. Records can be more rewarding over time. I find films are almost NEVER better with the 2nd and more viewings. Yes, you learn, but the mystery is lost.

-- (lefsetz@aol.com), March 05, 1998.

--Went to see Titanic. It SUCKED!! Was terrible. If you've got no hankering to see it, DON'T! Completely bogus predictable script.--

The review in Rolling Stone said something along the lines of "Titanic represents the best and worst in this season's movies." Of course, the newspaper ads said "Titanic represents the best...in this season's movies."

Am I going to see it? Well, I'd dig the special effects, I'm sure, but I'm just not up for watching a tragedy unfold for several hours. Interesting factoid: it cost 7.5 million to build the original Titanic!

BTW I finally saw "Contact" (let's hear it for video), which had been discussed a lot in SSS. I thought it was really quite good, particularly that they made contact so early in the film yet it didn't end there. Interesting she ended up in a place that looks a lot like the Caribbean on a clear night...

NEWS FLASH!! The radio just said that there is definitely water on the moon!!!! This will be a very significant story. It means we'll be able to go there and extract hydrogen and oxygen. Very, very interesting. Much more important than Monica Lewinsky.

Signing off for now............

-- Craig Anderton (Anderton@aol.com), March 05, 1998.

This just in from the newsdesk:

"U.S. Hockey Team May Get Sanctioned WASHINGTON (AP) - The head of the U.S. delegation to last month's Olympics in Japan says a ``teamwide sanction'' is being considered for the men's hockey team after apartments were trashed in the Olympic Village. U.S. Chief of Mission Paul George says the sanction will come as a result of failure by any of the 23 players to step forward and take responsibility for the damage. That could include banning all team members from future Olympic Games and a White House visit with the rest of the U.S. Olympic squad."

Wait. They would get banned from the future Olympics AND have to go to the White House for a visit with the principal? What do they think Clinton could teach them about proper behavior? ;-)

-- Lynn Fuston (go3daudio@mindspring.com), March 05, 1998.


When I was in NY for the AES show, Randy Thom (the lead sound designer for Contact) did a presentation at the Sony IMAX theater and he showed a clip from Contact there. It was stunning, visually and sonically. Of course the fact that it was on a 70' tall and 200' wide screen didn't hurt. It was fascinating to hear him tell his insider stories about the making of the movie. I can't wait to see the whole thing.

Boy, it sure takes a long time for this whole page to load, just so you can respond. Should I trim the earliest posts off this folder in order to make it easier to read?


-- Lynn Fuston (go3daudio@mindspring.com), March 05, 1998.

>I find films are almost NEVER better with the 2nd and more viewings. Yes, you learn, but the mystery is lost.<

The film isn't any better or worse the second time around. It is simply a question of your perception.

You view music as non-linear. To me, it is both linear and non-linear. Some of my favorite music has plots, some is abstract. The message is not always the same on repeated listens. I find that that happens with film too. I don't always "get" the point of the songs OR the movies that the artists wanted me to, but I get something!

-- Doug Robinson (Jazzooo@aol.com), March 05, 1998.

>>Interesting factoid: it cost 7.5 million to build the original >>Titanic!

Not trying to be a wiseass, but isn't that at least $200 million in today's dollars?

-- fred simon (frednow@aol.com), March 06, 1998.

Anyone else catch the titans of the computer business on C-SPAN? Absolutely scary. Bill Gates coached by his PR handlers. Smiling intermittently like a politician, even though back home in Redmond you knew he was a cutthroat killer. Jim Barksdale more emotion than competence. Not even always getting the facts straight. Michael Dell... Bought and paid for. Tool of Microsoft. Trying to keep quiet and avoid the road apples. Stewart Alsop. Funny how the long-time Apple supporter is now a Microsoft supporter. Then finally Scott McNealy. Voice and appearance not smooth, but the one you'd want in your foxhole. He knows how to FIGHT!! Just asking for a level playing field. It WAS fascinating how smart Bill and Scott were. Thinking on their feet. Never missing a beat. So much better than the "ums" and "ers" we see uttered from the talent on the "entertainment" shows. But all in all scary. That everyone's a politician. That you can't believe in anyone. That everyone's only in it for himself. And will lie, cheat, steal and connive to have it his way. Although a Mac user, I always thought that Bill won with a lot of smarts and a bit of luck. Now I realize it's attributable to heinous, predatory business practices. The guy truly appears evil. Look at it this way, before he hired the PR firm, he was saying what he truly felt... As for the senators. Got to ask you, did Strom Thurmond have any idea what he was talking about or understand the responses to his questions? Then again, his questions were some of the best.

And one more thing. McNealy's point about owning Windows being akin to owning English. And charging an upgrade fee whenever words were added. Brilliant. And true.

-- (lefsetz@aol.com), March 07, 1998.

>Smiling intermittently like a politician, even though back home in Redmond you knew he was a cutthroat killer.<

So, you think that killers don't smile?

On another note, my wife and I saw Big Lebowski. Glenda thought it had brilliant moments, great characters, some terrific writing and photography. She John Goodman stole the show. She also thought there were too manyt characters, and that the movie lacked a heart somehow. She was still glad she saw it.

I'm a little more positive, although I agree with everything she said. During the first half, it just grew on me minute by minute till I was laughing out loud hysterically. The second half meanders, but still some great scenes. the ensemble of Jeff bridges, Goodman, and Steve Buscemi just killed me, and if John Turturro had had two more scenes, we'd be talking Academy Award material.

Flawed but worth seeing, if you're in a wacky mood.

-- Doug Robinson (Jazzooo@aol.com), March 09, 1998.

Quiet here. Too quiet...

Does anyone know what happened to We Are As1?

-- Doug Robinson (Jazzooo@aol.com), March 12, 1998.

It's been really rough here lately. My car broke down four times within a week. I kept taking it back to the mechanic, but naturally, the problem would magically disappear for the guy, and he wouldn't be able to find it. He tried his best guess. Eventually, though, I was coming back around 2:30 a.m. on a Friday night, not the best time to drive, admittedly. Was stuck behind a truck going 35 m.p.h., tried to pass him, and the entire engine cut out. Nothing. And this was going northbound on the 405 fwy between Sunset and Moraga, which is a relatively steep grade. My car was stuck in the second lane, and I had to abandon it. It was grazed at high speeds by three hit-and-run drivers. Also, due to El Nino weather, I've been in almost two other accidents, one in Sedona, skidding across an icy road, and another from some complete idiot cutting in front of me and slamming on the brakes instantly to try and exit from the freeway. In a strange way, I feel like I am extraordinarily lucky even though I've had such a lousy few weeks, simply because I feel like I've cheated death several times.

I've got quite a few other instances of just really lousy things that have happened in the last week. Really lousy stuff that usually doesn't happen, some of which is quite personal and I won't really get into here on a public web page. But this is just the friggin' pits lately, and I've been extremely tense and sometimes jittery lately.

The saving grace this week is that I just had a great dinner with three other friends, and that has made up for quite a lot in what has been a really crappy couple of weeks. Also, somehow between all this garbage, I've managed to sneak in recording some really oddly tweaked electronic ambient songs, always a good thing.

-- Ken/Eleven Shadows (ElevenShad@aol.com), March 12, 1998.

Wow Ken. That's a HORRIBLE story. But I'm glad you shared it. As JT says, "Once you tell somebody the way that you feel, you can feel it beginning to ease".

And we've got to preserve the sense of community.

How's your car now??? Run? Very damaged in those brush-bys??

Funny how human interaction and get one revved up. I was in a lousy mood. And someone called me who I didn't know, but knew my complete story. Enough to awaken me, keep me talking, and up for a while.

I now know happiness derives from human interaction. I often think if I could just live in a house of people. Having a meal. Arguing. Sharing a laugh. That I'd be just fine.

-- (lefsetz@aol.com), March 12, 1998.

must say i really dug the big lebowski...very rare that i laugh out loud at a movie.... the art world parody, the kraftwerk parody... great great stuff... john tuturro was indeed amazing....

why is "are you jimmy ray" a hit? george michael did it better 10 years ago...

-vd king

-- vd king (vdking@aol.com), March 12, 1998.

Ken, Sorry to hear about your terrible week. I can directly relate. Strangely enough I felt like I was spared from death twice just this week. Tuesday night, huge blizzard-like snowstorm, driving home from the studio, get distracted by some construction going on to the right of the road. I look up, and I'm about to ram (at 35 mph) into a bulldozer parked on the street by the curb. Swerve rapidly, and just miss it. No grace marks on my car so it could've been inches or feet. Then, coming across an overpass I feel the wheels start to slip out from under the car. Momentary loss of traction. Fortunately I regain control and finally get home. Boy, was I happy to be there.

Lynn Fuston

-- Lynn Fuston (go3daudio@mindspring.com), March 12, 1998.

Thanks, Bob and Lynn. The car is operable. It's actually been running pretty well, all things considered. The right rear looks slightly strange, still, as if someone peeled back a Spam can. The person who struck it was going at quite a speed, but barely grazed the car, so the result is that what he did hit is peeled completely back. It's not your typical accordion-like mess. Everyone always makes a comment about how odd it looks. Both exterior mirrors are badly damaged and need to be replaced -- my order should be in any day now.

Those accidents that I nearly got in were both extremely hair-raising, especially the one in the rain where I barely avoided the car that cut me off. That one would have been a very bad one. I would not have come out of that very well at all had I actually struck the person, as it was high speed, slippery, and there were lots of people in back of me that would have plowed into us from behind.

This week is finally taking a turn for the better. I still have far too many things to deal with, but at least the "routine" stuff is a little better.

Regarding living with people, I've never lived completely by myself. I think that I would prefer living with people much more just simply for the interaction and company, assuming, of course, that the person is reasonable. I have been in my friend's house for a little over five months now, and it seems to be working out quite well. We both have our privacy and space, which is crucial, but there is always that interaction. It really helps. I think that as long as the other person is not an emotional vampire, it helps to keep me from wallowing in desolation or depression or hypertense when things get tough.

-- Ken/Eleven Shadows (ElevenShad@aol.com), March 12, 1998.

Keeping the sense of community here is very important. I'm certain I wouldn't have even bothered mentioning that if I didn't have that sense of community. And I am certainly glad that Lynn did not plow into the bulldozer!!!

The best things that have happened this week, aside from that very comforting dinner last night with my friends, was that I went to No Life and Aron's Records (if you live in LA, you *must* go to these record stores!) and went berserk with CD and record purchases. I've had music pouring out my ears while I am typing on the internet or doing my school reports or whatever -- even during dinner last night. Got some great stuff...Scanner, Spring Heel Jack, Slint, two Oval albums, Engine Kid, Fu Manchu, Tuu, Grimble Grumble, another Afro-Peruvian album, DJ Spooky, Duster "Stratosphere" (which I'm listening to right now)...emo-ish indie rock, odd ambient damage, Peruvian music, and a weird hiphop CD is what it basically is! Got a lot of the stuff used, too.

-- Ken/Eleven Shadows (ElevenShad@aol.com), March 12, 1998.

When it comes to living with people, I can't imagine it any other way. Of course I have a wife and 4 kids and my life is very full of interaction. Some of that "interaction" I could do without. ("I told you not to shove your sister onto the floor ever again. She's three years old and you're four times her size!") But I love most every minute of it and can't imagine what it would be like without it. I hope I never have the opportunity to learn. Everytime they drive away in the car, I say a prayer that they will come safely home to me. It would be difficult to live without them.

-Lynn Fuston

-- Lynn Fuston (go3daudio@mindspring.com), March 13, 1998.

Geez, I though I was having a run of bad luck, but I didn't have any near death exp. like Lynn and Ken. I'm glad the two of you are ok. I need a job pretty badly, but it's tough to find one. Most people want me to work days 40 hours a week, which I can't because i'm going to school. Or they want 4 nights a week whci I can't do because I have night classes 2 nights a week. What sucks even more it that I'm slowly running out of money. I've been leaving busneiss cards all over the place sience November and I haven't had a call yet. Dosen't anybody hire freelance engineers anymore? I saw the Big Lebowski, great movie even if it is slightly flawed. My girlfreind said that I'll probably be like "The Dude" in 10-15 years which is a really scary thought. But she said she's support me, and I can always flip burgers and make those digital fries...

-- "Jobless" Jay Kahrs (BrownSnd14@aol.com), March 13, 1998.

It's definitely not easy. I work full time and go to school full time in an accelerated program geared towards working adults. There's quite a lot of work and writing involved sometimes, although the coursework frequently strikes me as being rather easy for a Master's program. Quite time-consuming. And I record just about every weekend, whether it's my stuff or someone else's. Lately, it's been mostly other people's music, since school is chewing up so much of my week. The studio stuff is nice since I am sometimes really short on money because of the school tuition, which is scary -- averaging $900/month, including books (it's an expensive private university). I really can relate to Jay's money drain.

Today was a heck of a lot better at work, although I am still getting comments about me looking really out of it and stressed out, which are rare comments for me to receive. I decided to goof around and go down to Melrose Ave. directly after work. Purchased a Lost In Space Robot toy for $5.49 that says "Danger, danger, Will Robinson!" when you press the top of it's head. Then met a friend at an in-store performance of Tony Conrad, the guy from Faust, at No Life Records. The performance was not my cup of tea, and I left early, but not before picking up this amazing electronic ambient music disc by Tele:funken/Flying Saucer Attack called 'Distant Station", which is incredible. This is great music for zoning out to or reading, but complex enough to reward more intensive listening. The inside says, "Achtung! Diese platte is Moog-frei!". Hmmmmmm...didn't realize there was a reaction against these as well!

My friend Christy dropped by The Violet Hour disc, which I recorded. They even gave me a co-production credit for the disc! Anyway, it sounds really good!!! I'm really pleased with the results, and will hopefully be able to listen to it and enjoy it without picking my recording apart, neurotic as I can be sometimes. I hope the disc does well for them so that they don't have a thousand digital drink coasters laying around next year. Good music in the vein of Disintegration-era Cure, and with really good female vocals.

-- Ken/Eleven Shadows (ElevenShad@aol.com), March 14, 1998.

Anybody catch "Larry Sanders"? So close to real, it was scary.

-- (lefsetz@aol.com), March 17, 1998.

All I want to know is this: If they were unsure of how close the asteroid would come to Earth two days ago, how can they be so sure that they are more right now? Read this from ABC News (source: ABCNews.com)


Kick back and relax. The Earth is safe from asteroid 1997 XF11 at least through the 21st century. (But don't forget to buckle up.) (ABCNEWS.com) By Kenneth Chang ABCNEWS.com March 13 Doom! Death! Destruction! Pause. Oh, there9s nothing to worry about. So it may have seemed watching Thursday9s news coverage of 1997 XF11, an unimposing one-mile-wide asteroid that happens to cross the Earth9s path every 632 days. Usually, the Earth is far away, along some other point of its orbit. But on Oct. 26, 2028, the planet will be near the intersection point as 1997 XF11 streaks by. There seemed to be a small, but not vanishing, possibility that the asteroid would slam into Earth, wreaking terror and tragedy.

By Thursday afternoon, however, scientists at NASA9s Jet Propulsion Laboratory announced they had examined old photos that showed the asteroid was going to miss by more than half a million miles. Armageddon canceled. What happened? How Fast Is That Point of Light Moving? 1997 XF11 was discovered three months ago, and astronomers have been tracking its path in the night sky and calculating its complete orbit. For an asteroid currently about 140 million miles away, that9 a task equivalent to guessing the speed of a ladybug from a telescope 500 miles away. The uncertainty about the current location and speed of 1997 XF11 is why astronomers at the International Astronomical Union (IAU), which released the initial bulletin, stressed the give or take of 180,000 miles when they talked about how close the asteroid would pass. At 8,000 miles wide, the Earth is a fairly tiny bull9s-eye. It turns out the uncertainties were even more uncertain than originally thought. 3It is not an exact mathematical procedure,2 says Gareth Williams, associate director of the IAU9s Minor Planet Center.

-- Lynn Fuston (go3daudio@mindspring.com), March 17, 1998.

>Kick back and relax. The Earth is safe from asteroid 1997 XF11 at least through the 21st century<

Yeah right, Somebody call Moulder and Scully! I smell a cover up!!! Although the earth is small and so is this asteroid (one mile wide), I don't think for a second that they know if it will hit us or not... But if it does at least i'll be 50 when it hits.

-- Jay Kahrs (BrownSnd14@aol.com), March 18, 1998.

Yes, Larry Sanders was fantastic. I think it was even a sort of emotional high point for the series--very human. I'll be sad to see it go. And then to contrast it to Al Franken's new show. A couple of laughs, but really...yawn. This guy is VERY smart and funny--just listen to or read Rush Limbaugh is a Big Fat Idiot. Politically astute. And he's doing pratfalls. Sheesh.

man, what is going on with SSS? This board is very slow, and I need an update about the future.

-- Doug Robinson (jazzooo@aol.com), March 19, 1998.

Speaking of slow boards, perhaps this should be in some sort of "Part Two" category since it is now taking a pretty long time to load? Well, I haven't heard anything about SSS in a while, but I feel like I've been in my own little world, so I've barely heard about the asteroid, the Clinton/new affair thing, or really anything else. I'm glad that people are still coming to these pages, but it seems to me that the posting has slowed down a little. Hopefully we'll get a little more interaction!!!!

-- Ken/Eleven Shadows (ElevenShad@aol.com), March 20, 1998.

Carolyn Myss' special on PBS...anyone see it? 'Why People Don't Heal" is what it's called...CM is a medical intuitive, which means she can see inside your body and tell you what's there, but more importantly, why. She has a 93 percent accuracy rate with her intuitive diagnostics. One of her main points is all about why forgiveness is vital in the healing process...that when we lose energy, we eventually use up our grace account and the defecit literally comes from our cell tissue...we lose energy when we nurse our wounds and bond to others via their street currency; the bigger the wound, the more power we have in trading it with others as intimacy barter. We lose energy when our spirit is constantly sent back to our pasts to ruminate and roil over what's been *done* to us...that's a bad mission to send your spirit on!Read this woman, and save your own life...;) BTW it's easy to see why forgiveness is to our benefit more than the person or situation we forgive...it literally gives you back your life force.

-- Mz.H. (Heathens@aol.com), March 20, 1998.

I probably wouldn't phrase it quite like that ("loss of energy" and "grace account"), but I would agree that forgiveness can be quite a powerful thing. And I imagine that this would be especially true if something is gnawing away, a rather destructive kind of feeling.

-- Ken/Eleven Shadows (ElevenShad@aol.com), March 20, 1998.

On a much less profound note , I've managed to find a decent car. This is part of my ongoing efforts to NOT use the 405 Freeway as a parking lot. Drunk drivers need all the help they can to get home safely, and I've found that offering my car as a target simply doesn't make good sense. Between this revelation and my attempts at forgiveness, I am already becoming a better person from Lynn's web page!

I am going to make the purchase later this evening -- '88 Jeep Cherokee for $5650 with 82M -- not bad. The woman who is selling it took it to the Jeep dealer for servicing and followed the routine maintenance schedule fanatically! I kid you not! Isn't there some sort of prize in store for this kind of thing? I mean, who does that? Isn't it usually something like, "Oh, wow, my oil looks like mud...I guess I should change it." or "My brakes are making this metallic scraping noise -- maybe I should have it looked at."

-- Ken/Eleven Shadows (ElevenShad@aol.com), March 20, 1998.

Ken, congrats on the new wheels. I would buy a new buy a car but I have no money, and my insurance is way too high (Prudential has high rates and being a 19 y/o male living in NJ with a 4pt. speeding ticket dosen't help) But my car is ok for awhile, I just rolled over 104,000 yesterday so I have plenty of life left. I just gotta go for a oil change soon and have the brakes checked. I just got a job delivering pizzas, so buying a new car right now probably wouldn't be a good idea. But it pays well, $6 an hour plus tips. But my first priority right now is getting the rest of my studio together. I'm gonna go try to get some sleep, later all.

-- Jay Kahrs (BrownSnd14@aol.com), March 21, 1998.

Hey I found ya finally and it seems like eons.I missed SSS and Im back to answer any publishing,licensing or copyright questions,gratis and with love and knowledge! Greetings again to all our homies of SSS.. Lets keep running while the ball's back in the court. Regards Sixties1

-- only if you already know it (Sixties1@aol.com), March 21, 1998.

Sematics and such..."Loss of energy"...everything is energy, Ken, and there are no exceptions...remember e=mc squared? The fact that matter doesn't cease to exist; it only changes form? Quantum physics? Sure ya do!!!! ;) "grace account"...don't tell me that you haven't had coincidences where your life was saved ( if only I hadn't changed planes!I'd be on the next *plane* LOL) or changed by grace...that you haven't said to yourself, thank god x-y-z didn't happen or I'd have lost everything, or thank god the surgeon was GREAT, because I can still walk, etc. How about something stupid like getting away with something you know to be borderline in your own ethical code for the sake of convenience ( tax fibbing might apply)...the grace account exists in a big way! If you'd don't think so, tell me that if you ever overdraw the dang thang, honey! ;D Ya know what we think is all about us anyway...;) Kisses, Boo!!! ;*

-- Mz.H. (Heathens@aol.com), March 21, 1998.

Is it just me, or are you having trouble getting excited about the Oscars too? Or is the endless hype that's turned you off. Seems the older I get, the less I'm impressed with pop culture and its rituals.

-- (lefsetz@aol.com), March 21, 1998.

Oscars, whats that?? What hype?? I haven't paid any attention to that in years.


-- Kevin Hennessey (pianoman@ntplx.net), March 21, 1998.

We've started a new page to reduce download time. Go back to the main site (click on "3D Audio's Music Business Forum (SSS Temp)" at the top of this page) and in the listings, at the bottom, is the one for the new page. So keep posting there!


-- (lefsetz@aol.com), March 23, 1998.

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