What is the original source of the phrase "Titanic is the ship of dreams"?greenspun.com : LUSENET : TitanicShack : One Thread |
It seems obvious that "Titanic is the ship of dreams", but is it historically accurate, and if so, where/who originally stated it? It sounds like something that would appear in an advertising poster or brochure.
-- Thomas M. Terashima (tom@nucleus.com), February 02, 1998
Tom: I don't know for sure but I believe it was a line created for the film. Most of the publicity and advertising surrounding Titanic in her time related to the luxury, size and safety of the ship (mainly size). Having said that, it was still a great line and a great description of the old girl herself (meaning Titanic, not Rose!).Regards, Peter
-- Peter Nivling (pcnivling@capecod.net), February 02, 1998.
I'm not sure where that phrase came from, but Lynch and Marschall used it as the title of a subsection of chapter two of "Titanic: An Illustrated History." Since they were historical advisors to James Cameron, that may well be where he got it.Cheers!
-- Kip Henry (kip-henry@ouhsc.edu), February 03, 1998.
Titanic was called the ship of dreams orignally by a white star line employee or publisist (sp?)-- I think. The phrase 'Not Even God Himself Could Sink This Ship' was first stated by an employee of the white starline too when he commented to the press. Cheers! -Rachel
-- Rachel Bergman (Kbergman@bitterroot.net), February 03, 1998.
I wonder to what extent we today overstate the fame and importance the Titanic had *before it sank*. How much hype and publicity did White Star really put into the Titanic and her maiden voyage? Clearly, as much as was needed for good business, but beyond that, was it regarded as a epochal event? The Olympic was already in service. Mauretania was faster. The Germans were nearly finished with at least one of a trio of 50,000 ton ships, the Imperator (later Berengeria).To put the question another way: was the coverage of the Titanic and her maiden voyage (before the iceberg) out of the ordinary for other big ships at that time? I tend to think not, but am curious to know for sure.
-- Thomas Shoebotham (cathytom@ix.netcom.com), February 03, 1998.
To answer your question as best I can Mr. Shoebosem. For one, one has to see that of course the year was 1912, And that The one main thing about the titanic was the (luxury of the ship) Besides I read somewhere that at one point it had a speed record, later taken away by the queenmary.
-- jesse fontes (jestercw@gte.net), February 15, 1998.
sorry I missed spelled your name Mr. Shoebotham.......
-- jesse fontes (jestercw@gte.net), February 15, 1998.
Thomas S.: Actually, White Star Line was notorious for its lack of publicity and hype, even about its grandest ships. All lauching of the ships were quiet affairs, even for the Olympic. However, judging by the elite complement on board the ship, including the great commander E.J. Smith, I believe that Titanic rated first in luxury, a chief concern to the elite. White Star Line knew they couldn't beat the German records for speed (at least not with the Titanic), but they were certainly vying for first place in luxurious accomadations.
-- Rose (rosemarie17@hotmail.com), February 15, 1998.
At the time of Titanic's maiden voyage, the Atlantic speed record was held by a British ship, Mauretania. German ships had held the records during the late 1890's and early 1900, until the Lusitania and Mauretania were completed in 1906 and 1907.
-- Thomas Shoebotham (cathytom@ix.netcom.com), February 16, 1998.