Collecting 15 sentences of dialogue in "Titantic" for : LUSENET : TitanicShack : One Thread |
To whom he concern: Due to the need of homework requested by school, I saw "Titantic" already, but I can't remembered dialouge clearly. Please help me, so I can hand over homework regard
Wentsa Hsu 30 ,Jan .1998
-- Wentsa Hsu (, January 29, 1998
Wentsa: If you're looking for actual "quotes" from the movie, try looking at the "Best line" category of this Q & A.
-- Caron (, January 29, 1998.
You can also check my website where I gathered some pages in a Tribute to 'Titanic'. It has my opinion about various symbols present throughout the movie, links to the original script, plus several lines categorized by theme. Give it a try, it never hurts:
Anyway, good luck on your homework!
-- Dan Draghici (, January 29, 1998.
Read the script! See question about screenplay.
-- Colleen (, January 30, 1998.