Can excercising while you are young benefit you when you are older? : LUSENET : APA Division 47 Exercise and Sport Psychology : One Thread

Can excercising while you are young benefit you when you are older? How? What are good excercises to do and how do they specifically impact your health in later life?

-- Sarah Dollensino (, January 28, 1998


Hi! I'm a second year sport and exercise science student and am looking into what if participating in sport when young can affect adherence rates in later life. There is numerous evidence to suggest that this is true, however, there really exists a need for a long-term study to be conducted and empirical evidence to be gathered. Look in the Sport and Exercise psychology journal, the international sport psycholgoy journal and the Applied sport psychology journal. I know this doesn;t give you any specific answer but it may help.

-- Ros Morgan (, June 09, 1998.

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