B&W school

greenspun.com : LUSENET : B&W Photo: Creativity, Etc. : One Thread

I am interested in finding a workshop- weeklong at lease, where I can be immersed in b&w photo and printing, with coaching. This is a hobby and I have a dark room but I am frustrated by the lack of concentrated time and feedback. Taking a course that meets once a week doesn't help as I really want to be away from my daily life. I was very interested in the Prague School listed in DOUBLETAKE but they don't return calls. Time/location not an issue. Any ideas? Thanks

-- linda cooper (svcguru@mcs.net), January 28, 1998


I have a few workshops that I would reccomend for B&W photography. The first would be the Anderson Ranch in Colorado # 970.923.3181, they offer about 20 photography workshops a year for various levels and interests. The John Sexton Workshop, 408.659.3130, has to be one of the best darkroom experiences available, I have attended 3 workshops with John and if darkroom is your interest this is the one. Ray McSavaney also is a great teacher and artist, 213.225.1730. Each of these worksohps have something to interest the beginner to the expert.

-- Jeff White (zonie@computer-concepts.com), January 31, 1998.

Which country?

Which country are you in?

If in the UK, I often see weekends advertised for specialist printing. I also know an excellent pro printer who might be able to help.

-- Neal Garman (neal@ngarman.demon.co.uk), February 11, 1998.

photo schools

In the US, check the Maine Photo workshops in Rockport, Maine at mpw.com. In europe you should contact the Tuscany Photo Workshops in Italy at www.webservices.tema.it/tpw/

-- jim megargee (mvjim@interport.net), February 18, 1998.

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