Have they released a novel based on James Cameron's Titanic?greenspun.com : LUSENET : TitanicShack : One Thread |
I want to buy the novel based on the screen play by James Cameron. I have already purchased the James Camerons Titanic photo book. Since a novel was released for T2 based on James Camerons screen play for T2 one would think they would release one for Titanic. Does anyone know if one will be released?
-- Grant Anthony Brummett (gbrummet@juno.com), January 27, 1998
Have not heard whether a novelization of "Titanic" will be released.In the meantime, you might want to check out a historical novel called "Maiden Voyage" by Cynthia Bass (NY: Bantam Books, 1997; $12.95 paperback), which is the story of a young boy torn between two worlds (the differing worlds of his parents) who finds himself aboard the Titanic. I haven't yet read this book, but it got good reviews as did her first novel "Sherman's March." At any rate, "Maiden Voyage" might suffice for now.
-- Kathleen Marcaccio (dkosh@msn.com), January 28, 1998.