How to contact Gloria Stuart? : LUSENET : TitanicShack : One Thread |
I have recently learned that Gloria Stuart is a book am I. I saw the movie this afternoon and would love to write to her. Does anyone know how to contact her?Thanks,
-- Renee Pearson (, January 26, 1998
The only info I've got is that she lives just over the road from O.J. Simpson's house (where Nicole and Ron were murdered). That's exactly what she said when they asked her about her house. So you'll have to figure the rest out...
-- Dan Draghici (, January 26, 1998.
Do you mean Nicole's condo, where she was murdered, or OJ Simpson's home?Where did Gloria Stuart say this? Can you point me to the interview?
-- Renee Pearson (, January 27, 1998.
I'd love to have her autograph on the script of the movie Titanic i recently received. Anyone care to post her mail address? I can't find it by using net search engines.
-- Paul Jon Kuroski (, January 28, 1998.
Sorry, Renee, I can't remember where I read/heard this information, most likely from TV. But she said her address was next to the place where Nicole and Ron were killed. I think, at worst, you could just use a similar street number, the postman will definitely know Gloria's exact address. Or try to look up at I can't guarantee any result, but give it a try.
-- Dan Draghici (, January 28, 1998.
Did you see Gloria Stuart on Good Morning America and Today? She is the most adorable person! One interviewer remarked to her,"You are the youngest looking 88 year old I have ever seen." I agree totally! This woman has won my heart! (Actually I've been rooting for her since my first viewing of the movie.) She was asked what advice she had for longevity: "Don't take everything so seriously...Don't conform....'Up yours'!" I died! Someone arrange me a meeting with this lady!! She was so down to earth and thrilled with her nomination. As a hobby, she prints things on her printing press in her Beverly Hills home. She's so full of life! If you ever get her address, please let me know it too.
-- Bob Gregorio (, February 11, 1998.
>> As a hobby, she prints things on her printing press in her Beverly Hills home. <<I don't think it's a hobby. She's a fine artist and using the press in the production of artist books and prints.
-- Renee Pearson (, February 12, 1998.
I came across an article "Oscar Nod for 87-Year-Old Leavers Her 'Just Swrling'" in the New York Post website ( It's a really nice insightful look at Miss Stuart!! And it mentions that she lives in "ritzy Brentwood" "just three blocks from Monica Lewinsky's temporary abode" and "directly across the street from the condo where Nicole Brown Simpson and Ron Goldman were brutally murdered". It also mentions her husband Arthur Sheekman. With all that, I really was hopeful that I would be able to track down an address, but no luck so far. Oh, well....I will keep looking for it.
-- Kathleen Marcaccio (, February 12, 1998.
i don't have an answer. BUT WOULD LIKE TO SAY HELLO TO GLORIA,hello,, and with that said ,gloria you won the oscar as far as i'am concrened ,you are the reason from time to time i rewatch titanic .god bless you ,have a lot of fun .bye for now ,,,paul
-- paul sievert (, March 26, 2001.
You can reach Gloria by e-mail at
-- Reymundo Helms (, September 08, 2002.
If anyone does manage to obtain a postal address for Gloria Stuart please do list it. Whether it's via her agent or directly I'd love to send her a letter. Going back through her history she really is a true star!
-- Gavin (, November 13, 2004.
If anyone would like to have her address please e-mail me.
-- (, January 19, 2005.