How many times? {have you seen the movie?} : LUSENET : TitanicShack : One Thread |
How many times have you seen it?!!!! (Be honest now, there are NO PRIZES.
-- arnold franken-major (n/a), January 15, 1998
We have seen it five times, so far. (wow, I get to answer my own question. Kinda Godlike, eh?)
-- arnold franken-major (n/a), January 15, 1998.
5 times
-- Bob Gregorio (, January 15, 1998.
not enough... never enough...only 3
-- Tiffany Smith (, January 15, 1998.
I feel behind...So far I've only seen it 2 times, once with my mother and sister, and once with my boyfriend/best friend. I love it. I plan on going at least once more, and buying the movie as soon as it is out on video. I already have the soundtrack, it is excellent.
-- EJane (, January 15, 1998.
Only twice, but that is changing this weekend! The odd thing is that I didn't cry the first time I saw it, but I sure did the second!
-- Laura RC (, January 16, 1998.
I have only seen it twice--I need to find more time. I will go see it again once I have time and before it goes out of the theatres. Of course when it comes out, I will buy it.PS. Thanks for all the wonderful comments on my response and question, Arnold...I just speak from my heart!!
-- MJ (, January 16, 1998.
I feel behind compared to you people, but I've been so busy I could only see it twice. Once in our regular theaters here, and once in some rather large ones with sound that hurt my ears. Fun fun. =)As for buying the movie, I plan on doing that. It would seem stupid for Cameron not to release it for sale, but less than half of all video titles are released for regular consumer sales. They actually charge video stores about $100 per copy on most films. So one could buy it anyway if they wanted to pay that much. I doubt that will happen with this one but it wouldn't hurt to bug Fox or Paramount about it if you know how to.
-- Dave Phillips (, January 16, 1998.
I have seen it 3 times...want to see it at least several more times...I am delighted to know that Leo has made his mark in Hollywood history...the next Jimmy Stewart, James Cagney...legends!!!
-- janine johnson (, January 16, 1998.
I've seen it four times and I can't wait to go back again. I was very grateful to see that others are as obsessed with this movie as I am. I was beginning to worry about myself! (:
-- Jessica Gross (, January 19, 1998.
I have seen it five times and plan on seeing it at least two or three more times. I am totally obsessed with this movie!!!!
-- Stacy S. (, January 19, 1998.
Hi--it's me again. Have just gone to see TITANIC again for the 3rd time today. Cried even more this time. I want to see it again. I am sooo obsessed....I have even picked out even more themes/motifs and stuff out of the movie each time. will keep you posted when i see it again
-- MJ (, January 19, 1998.
Three times, after this weekend. And willing to keep going, again and again...
-- EJane (, January 20, 1998.
Only once. But the movie will stay in my mind forever.
-- Mandy (, January 20, 1998.
So far only twice, I went New Years Day with my family and my husband and last weekend with a couple friends. But I am going to go see it again this weekend!
-- Rachel Bergman (, January 21, 1998.
I've only seen it twice, but I read through the script like, a million times.
-- Colleen (, January 21, 1998.
I've seen it six times, I'm going again tonight. I love it! I've cried every time.
-- Katie Powell (, January 22, 1998.
I've seen the movie four times so far. I'm planning on seeing it a few more times before it comes out on video. When it does, I am going to buy it!
-- Keri-Ann (, January 23, 1998.
I've only seen it twice. Once right after another though. Thats been about one month ago. But I plan on seeing it a third time, for my birthday the 31st! I can't wait! If I had more time, I probably would have gone and seen it at least 6 times by now. It is by far the BEST movie I have seen in a long time! The only other time I went back to see a movie more than once was Forest Gump, and that was to just take my husband to see it. I can't remember any other movie that has affected me this way.
-- Caron (, January 24, 1998.
I have seen it 11 times now. I've gone once or twice every weekend, and plan on doing that until it leaves the big screens. My parents don't understand how anyone could see a movie 11 times, but it seems like i find new hidden meaning each and every time i see it. does any one else feel that way?
-- Laura (, January 25, 1998.
I saw it today for the fifth time! I enjoy it more every time. Will probably see it at least three more times.
-- Donna Sadoway (, January 25, 1998.
I've seen it twice already, but I'm due to see it soon again. I'm just having trouble finding people who haven't seen it yet to go with, or people who are strong enough to handle it emotionally. I myself cried both times I saw it!! I've also noticed many people are hesitant to see it on sunday, but I'll tell you: The line-ups are much shorter!!
-- christal beaulieu (, January 26, 1998.
2 going on 3 this weekend... help help I'm suffering from Titanic withdrawl!!!!
-- Cara Sammons (, January 27, 1998.
r...dawson.... Yes!!! we get something new each time too, but only eight times so far, keep going!
-- arnold franken major (, February 04, 1998.
Six times, and I'm going to see it again. Everytime I go see it, I either notice something on my own that I haven't seen before, or I look for something that I've read on sites like this one. That's why I've got to go back--to look for all the new things I'm hearing about!
-- Elissa (, February 04, 1998.
I have seen the movie 5 times and hope to go see it again and again......
-- Danielle (, February 06, 1998.
Four times so far. It's all in my head...
-- Dan Draghici (, February 13, 1998.
Four times. I think I am satisfied, that is, as long as my CD player doesn't break, this question and answer board continues, the screenplay is available, and occasional Titanic specials are shown. I know what you mean, Dan, I can conjure up almost any scene in my mind by closing my mind and remembering . . .
-- Rose (, February 13, 1998.
Four times, which seems like enough for at least a few weeks anyway. A radio station I listen to occasionally has coined a term, "Titaniacs", to describe people who have seen the film at least ten times. It will probably take the video release to get me to that level.How 'bout we all pack the theaters on April 14th and 15th (yes, the film will still be in theaters then) for one big bash?
-- Thomas Shoebotham (, February 13, 1998.
Let's just say that I haven't seen it enough times yet, but as long as it stays in the number one spot after every weekend I'll keep seeing every chance that I get. Personally I would like to see STAR WARS "blown right out of the water" being in the number one spot. Titanic is amazing and desrves to be number 1!!!!
-- lisa sinnaeve (, March 02, 1998.
I have seen it three times but I plan on going to see it again as soon as it comes to a theater in a near by town. I just can't get enough of it.
-- Sarah Pliner (, March 25, 1998.
I have seen it 10 times, but I still can't get enough of the movie or the stars of Titanic. I can't wait until it comes out on video!!!
-- Misty Lemonds (, May 04, 1998.
Twice at the theaters. But hearing all of you talk (write?) about it makes me want to put it in the video player right now!!!!!!
-- Nonnie (, April 26, 1999.
Six at the theaters, last year. I have it on video too.
-- Scott J. (, April 29, 1999.
Well....I've seen it 46 times(47 now today).I saw it 6 times at the cinema with my mum and now have watched it more than 40 times at home.Obsessed?.....nahhh!!!
-- Jo Duggan (, May 02, 1999.
-- shivdevi seegobin (, July 11, 1999.
I have seen the movie Titanic 17 times and I never got bored. It even came out on my birth day!!!
-- Tommy Lynskey (, August 10, 2003.
My last entry was just for the theaters. I've watched it every night since it came out on VHS and DVD.
-- Tommy Lynskey (, August 10, 2003.
i can't believe some people went to see titanic 10 or 11 times at the cinema - i know it was a good film but what a waste of money
-- sian (, August 29, 2004.
Gasp! It was worth seeing it that many times! I only saw it once in theathers cuz i was 8 when it came out and my mum wouldnt drive me again. But now im 15 and have it on dvd and i see it all the time. I must have seen it about 30 or 40 times!
-- Rachel Andersson (, September 05, 2004.