Irish Music in 3rd : LUSENET : TitanicShack : One Thread |
It doesn't seem, from the soundtrack listing, that the Irish songs to which Rose and Jack were dancing at the "real party" are included on the soundtrack. Does anyone know who recorded those songs, or have recommendations for similar music? Thanks, Lisa
-- Lisa McGill (, January 13, 1998
I managed to search down the following info: Los Angeles: Mulligan's Mad Hatter (on National Blvd. at Mentone Ave in Palms, near the junction of the 10 and 405 freeways)Irish sessions every Tuesday, 8-11pm. This session is run by the piper from Gaelic Storm (who also owns the pub). I attended it once last Summer while I was visiting in LA.
-- Thomas M. Terashima (, January 14, 1998.
Gaelic Storm now has their own web site! Some info from their site:
Gaelic Storm currently plays every Sunday night at O'Briens Irish Pub, 2941 Main Street, Santa Monica. They start at 8:30pm and play about 4 sets, ending about 12:30am.
-- Thomas M. Terashima (, February 07, 1998.
The group that did the music for the third class scene was "Gaelic Storm". I don't know if the songs that were on the titanic are on the album. I hope they are because I want those songs on it! Also I got my info from the Titanic book by James Cameron.
-- Vanessa (, January 13, 1998.
The Irish music isn't on the CD, but I heard that Sony Classical is considering putting together a second volume of songs since the first is doing so well already. 500 000 copies sold already (gold) and many stores have grumpy customers wanting more. They can't keep it in stock in many cities. Sounds to me like Sony would have to be very dumb not to issue a new volume, and the Irish song probably would be on.
-- Jen (, January 13, 1998.
I really hope you're right about the second soundtrack album-hell, if they could do it for the Big Chill and Dirty Dancing, when all that music was otherwise available, they should do it here. In addition to the music of Celtic Storm, I would also love to get some of the music credited to I Salonisti in the film (ie: the musicians who play on board as the ship is sinking). I loved all of it, but in particular, I would love to have the last piece they played, which I have been told was "Nearer my God to Thee." If anyone hears any confirmation of more available music-please post!
-- wendy white (, January 23, 1998.
Does anyone know the name of the album put out by Gaelic Storm? I went to find it last night and my record store couldn't find the band in its database. Thanks!
-- Candace (, January 30, 1998.
Good news everybody!! I was disappointed when Galeic Storm's music didn't show up on the soundtrack, but it sounds like they're going to be releasing a second one with that music on it to coincide with the release of the video, which will probably be in the fall. So I guess we'll have to wait!!
-- Melissa (, January 30, 1998.
Candace--The name of the CD is "Gaelic Storm" the same as the band. Good luck in finding it! :-)
-- Nonnie Parker (, April 06, 1999.
Ok so I am very late finding this site ! But as a Bodhran player from the south coast of the UK I spend more time playing the kind of music from the party in the third class than reading about it. As the music has now been released by Sony on "Back to Titanic" and by Gaelic Storm on "Herding Cats" I think it is time to track it down to it's roots. The track that opens the party scene is described as "Blarney Pilgrim" by Sony and "O' Mahoney's" by G. Storm. Believe whichever you like as I cannot trace this music to any other source. The track where Jack and Rose dance is John Ryan's Polka, once recorded by Planxty. The track being played whilst Rose challenges the big strong men to "let's see you do this..." is one of my all time favourites - The Kesh Jig. Recorded by many artists including Donal Lunny. The last track that sees Jack and Rose dancing the night away in slow motion is called "Murphy's reel" by G. Storm but is in fact a very old tune called "Drowsy Maggie". In fact you actually hear the leader of the band call the tune as it starts in the film. Recorded by many groups over the years it is an old Irish number. Lastly the music that accompanies Jack catching the Titanic after his "very lucky hand" at poker, and accompanies Jack and Rose running away from the valet can be found on a recording by Planxty. It is untitled and appears after 1min 48sec of the track "Bean Phaidin". Again, one of my favourites and both Planxty and G. Storm really do it justice.Hope this will encourage you to look for more examples of this music. The names get changed as do some of the words to "traditional" songs as they move across the Atlantic. But does it really matter so long as the music survives.
Steve - Bodhran Basher
-- (, April 08, 2002.
Re. the song "Irish Music in 3rd Class"Does anyone know the original name of this song? I'm assuming we are all talking about the first part of the song (since many times celtic songs are actually "sets" made up of different songs played as one".
Before Titanic came out I heard this song played by a Canadian Band called "Rare Air". They called it CELTIC AIR FORCE. Obviously that is not the original name since the song is a traditional song.
I'm trying to find the sheet music for this on the internet (not the "Back to Titanic" Piano book that is currently for sale) because i am learning to play the bagpipes and i would like to learn this song. And since it is a traditional song most likely written by a poor irishman there is no reason i should give my money to James Horner, especially since i'm only interested in that one song and not the whole score.
-- rpadilla (, February 14, 2003.
You would probably have to ask Brian Walsh. He was the pipe player that you saw in Titanic. He was also the owner of Mulligan's Mad Hatter Pub where he and Gaelic Storm used to perform. He has just released an album called Walsh's Fancy.
-- Scott Smith (, February 21, 2003.
Thanks to Steve the Bodhran player and to Scott Smith.I did email the band at their website and they responded. The response I got as to the name of the song(s) played in the movie were those three songs mentioned by Steve (Drowsey Maggie, The Kesh Jig, and John Ryan's Polka). Unfortunately, these were incorrect (I was interested in the first song). I found a traditional music website with sound files - That's how I know. Then I noticed they had "Blarney Pilgrim" as one of the sound files. Out of curiosity I played it and sure enough, this is the song that is listed as "Irish Music in 3rd class".
I have found other websites (with sheet music) that confirm this. So to conclude, the official name of this song that all of us are interested in (if I'm correctly assuming that we are all talking about the same tune) is Blarney Pilgrim (and not O' Mahoney's).
Blarney Pilgrim is a good song.
-- rpadilla (, March 04, 2003.
I think you should find this record:
Planxty, the well below the valley.It was produced by SANACHIE RECORDS Corp.
Probably you'd get more information here:
P.O. BOX 284
NEWTON, NJ 07869.
what a great music by the way.
-- ill_saint (, November 19, 2003.
Well, I was just browsing thru the Net ... and I found this website .. from where you can download the KESH_JIG music Piece..... The address is :
Thought I might as well share it with other music lovers !!!
-- Kapil Jhaveri (, February 14, 2004.