fitting 67 body to Intes 6" ed telescope : LUSENET : Pentax 67 SLR : One Thread

hi can anyone help? I've tried without success to look for someone who sells adapters to fit the 67 body to a particular telescope. It's a Russian Intes 6" ED mirror lens, recently introduced, and it seems as if some popular adapter makers on the west coast are stymied. Any help would be appreciated. paul anderson gloucester mass

-- paul anderson (, January 01, 1998


I'm not an astrophotographer, but if you haven't checked out:

it may be of some help. They say they specialize in Russian scopes.

-- Benson (, January 01, 1998.

I fit my 67 to a Zeiss refractor (build 1930!) with an original lens mount from Pentax. I bought the lens mount from an 4/600 lens as replacement part for DM 100,- ($60,-) and make it fit to the refractor. You need a big diameter at the eyepiece side of the telescope to use the 67 , more then 2"

-- Reinhard Becker (, February 12, 1998.

Try Orion Telescope and Binocular center. Http:// I've heard of several P67 owners getting an adapter there.

-- John Pass (, April 28, 1998.

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