Prism brightness : LUSENET : Pentax 67 SLR : One Thread

Why doesn't Pentax make brighter prisms & screens? And would it really be that difficult to design a prism with closer to maybe 95% viewing? I like th fact that I only paid $219 for my prism, but I'd love for it to be brighter and I'd really like to be able to see more of what i'm really putting onto film.

-- Paul (, December 30, 1997


Pentax makes a few accessories to solve that problem,one view finder costs a little more than $100 another $199. The B&H website has good info on them. Mike

-- mike walker (, January 02, 1998.

Not a 100% sure where I'd seen it, information overload and all that, however I think it was in a recent Popular Photog that there was a comparison of all the different brands of screens.

-- jon francis (, January 09, 1998.

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