camera question : LUSENET : B&W Photo - Film & Processing : One Thread

I currently own a chinon 35mm camera. I don't know how old it is, probably early 80's model. I was wondering if anybody knows when they stopped making them or even if they stopped making them? I was told they were made by canon.

-- Michael J Howser (, December 18, 1997



Unfortunately, I don't have an answer to your question, but a question for you. Did you ever receive any info on your camera? My husband found a Chinon camera on the side of the road shortly after Christmas and no one claimed it from the ad we put in the paper. I need to buy a lens cap for it and and a few other accessories, but don't even know where to start. Just wondering if you had any info yet.

-- Chris Williams (, July 20, 2001.

Michael and Chris,

According to Popular Photography's website, Chinon only made on model camera, the CP9-AF in 1988. I gleaned it from here:

(See Mason, I pop over to your work website every now and then. ;-) )

-- Johnny Motown (, July 20, 2001.

In the Photoguide '82 I have beside me it lists 3 Chinon SLR's (CM4S, CE4S & CA4S). I believe they utilise the Pentax K bayonet lens mount. Do a web search, there's info out there on these cameras.

-- Nigel Smith (, July 21, 2001.

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