Corrupted wav files (beta 1.0), win95 (UPDATE) : LUSENET : Roland MC-202 Hack : One Thread |
I4m still getting corrupted wav files, but not 0 bytes wavs... I4ve discovered that I was getting 0 byte long wav files because I need to quit the program before using the wav file in other applications, such wav players... Well, You could try a way to play wav files within the program, or that the program writes the files to HD without exiting the program.P.S. (sorry for my poor English...) ;)
-- Josue Arias (, March 02, 1997
Josue: Thanks for the info. I was unaware of the problem of having to Quit the program first - I'll definitely look into that and try to fix it. The program *does* currently write to disk before quiting, but maybe it has to "release" it so that other applications can see it.About the corrupt files, this is unusual. Shawn Mativetsky had a similar problem with an earlier alpha version, but I thought I had fixed it. Could you send me the .mid file and the .wav file attached to a private e-mail message?
Thanks in advance, and thanks for the testing - don't worry, I'll get it working! The downfall to using Java is that it's not quite platform independent in all ways...
-- Dan Nigrin (, March 02, 1997.
Hi there,First , thanks for your fast reply, keep the good work! Well, with your improved .class file, now I can read the resulting wav file without quit the 202hack program, but , in the other hand, strange things happened to the resulting wav file:
Soundforgue: -I can heard the wav file in *audition sample mode*, before load the sample, then, when I4ll try to load the wav file, the program tell me: *An error ocurred while loading the specified file*. -I can load the sample as a RAW wave, 8Bit 22055Hz.
Wavelab: -I can load the sample, but the program cracks when I push play sample: *Unhandle exception, Ok to resume?* After several times pushing *Yes*, or if you psh *NO*, the program freezes and crack...
Awave 3.2: -It supports the all file formats. It load the .wav file, but i thing this program skip the suffix .wav, and look for a header, then may be that the program handle the .wav file like a raw file... -The program says that the file lenght is more than 7 minutes! -When I saved the file in wav format, with another name, the resultant file is readable for other programs, but the lenght still remains in more than 7 minutes...
The files than I4m sending are:
*202p1.wav -wav resulting using your new improved .class archive (the 7 minutes file ;)) *202p1_1.wav -previously corrupted wav using estandart beta 1.0 program *202p1.mid -original MIDI file (sequenced using cubase 2.8)
I hope this help you.
-- Josue Arias (, March 02, 1997.
Josue: I'm glad that my "quick" fix at least solved one of the two problems... I received the 3 files, and will be looking over them soon. I think that I must be making some kind of error in writing the .wav header. The only curious thing is that the files are read perfectly on a Mac, so maybe there's some PC-specific things happening... One important question for you though: what does the "7-minute" file *sound* like? Does it sound like the something that the 202 might be able to read? While I was experimenting on an NT 4.0 machine the other day, I also got a "7 minute" file, but when I played it, the beginning of it sounded like the correct output to the 202, and then the rest was silence. So maybe if you try sending the 7-minute file to the 202 it might work? This would help me a lot to know if that worked, as then I could be sure that the audio info itself was OK, and just the header is wrong (specifying too long of a file).Thanks for all your help!
-- Dan Nigrin (, March 02, 1997.
Actually, Josue made a good point - that programs won't load the WAV file while you're still in 202 Hack. Dan - Maybe you aren't closing the file immediately after processing? Because with Windows, and any other multitasking OS, a file should be able to be read by more than one program at a time.
-- Shawn Mativetsky (202) (, March 03, 1997.
Shawn: In the latest "beta 1.1", for which I sent you the Process202.class file earlier today, I've fixed the "load .wav while 202 Hack still open" problem. I also fixed a problem I had in writing the headers to the .wav files.There's still one more problem I've identified in which PC's are expecting a slightly different .wav file header than other platforms work on...I'll be adding that support soon. This will allow apps like MediaPlayer to be able to read the .wav's immediately. Currently, it seems like other programs have to read the file as "raw" PCM files. You may even need to specify 22.05 KHz, 8 bit, mono, unsigned. Mac's currently read the files w/ no problem. I don't know about other platforms yet...
-- Dan Nigrin (, March 03, 1997.