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NTSC to PAL superb software conversion

from Berislav Curiæ, phone 00385912374752 (berislavcuric@lminfo.hr)
Ok, here's a fact: my co-worker has figured out how to make converting NTSC footage to PAL with barely noticeable quality loss! And more, he can convert two hours of m2v (mpeg) ntsc footage (interlaced) to pal (int/nonint-progressive, whatever) in less than 10 hours on 2GHz home pc - all that in one step!

Ofcourse, he won't tell me how he did it because he earns money that way, so I have to figure it out by myself.

IF THERE IS ANYONE WHO HAS EXPERIMENTED WITH THIS KIND OF CONVERSION - PLEASE LET ME KNOW, i have catched some steps that he has done, and those are:

he doesn't use any hardware acceleration - pure processor job.

uses avisynth frameserver

doesn't convert anything to avi, dv or any other format, straight from mpeg to mpeg

he pulls from ntsc 30fps footage ITS ORIGINAL 24FPS (apparently ntsc format is achieved by "boosting" cinema 24fps to 30fps, therefore it contains an original 24fps inside itself - if anyone knows how to do that - it would be of a great help to me!)

other possible softvare that he uses is TMPGEnc (mpeg2 encoder), CanopusProCoder1.0 (does anyone have ProCoder 1.5? -seems it can make a good ntsc-pal conv, please let me know) and VFAPI.

So, don't tell me that's impossible, it works excellent and I only have to figure it out how. After I do that, I'll probably make it available on internet as a freeware.

sorry about bad english, Bero

(posted 7424 days ago)

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