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Congestion Charging

from Cathy (cathyvpreece@aol.com)

South London Press


Debate over C-charging

Sep 5 2003

I LIVE in the congestion charging zone, and I think it should be done away with altogether.

It is just another way to make money and it takes away our freedom. The streets are deserted and no friends or family can come and visit.

Who wants to pay a fiver and also have to pay a fortune on meters because they can't park anywhere! I think the people in London are treated the worst in the country. There is no freedom.

I don't know why our fathers and friends died fighting for this country - and they are still dying for it.

For what!

D Haycock
Carlisle Lane
Lambeth North

TO ANYONE thinking that the Kennington Road Residents' Association might be on to something with their alternative boundary scheme for the charge.

Ken Livingstone has given no guarantee that residents living inside the congestion charge zone will receive a 90 per cent discount when and if the scheme is expanded. The only sensible way to improve the lot of those living inside or around the Kennington Road area is to scrap the scheme as soon as possible.

Angie Bray
London Assembly Conservatives' congestion charge spokesman
City Hall

I THINK that this proposal is disgraceful, as people such as myself who don't live in these areas, but have to travel into them to take children to and from school or drop children off at childminders, would have to pay an awful lot of money each week.

This would also cause more problems for people getting buses as they would become a lot busier, as more people would travel into the congestion zone on a bus to avoid the charge.

Tracy Burton via email

(posted 7541 days ago)

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