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A Picture

from Jeff Spirer (jeff@spirer.com)
Well John is doing his best to try and keep this board alive, so maybe I should post something. The main reason I stopped posting here was that I stopped shooting people, at least in a way in which they were recognizable as people.

So I went to San Francisco Carnaval last weekend. It's supposed to be like Brazil Carnaval, but a whole bunch of things, including the wrong weather, conspired against it. On top of that, I got wrong information on the route.

But aside from all that, I really enjoy parades (at least the ones here in San Francisco, which always have that twist to them), but I wonder why I carry a camera to them. And then, every once in a while, something happens that reminds me why. In this case, it was a child with her parents next to me. And I peeked at her every few minutes and finally it happened.

The Girl in the Crowd, Copyright 2001 Jeff Spirer

And yes, I know, she's a bit soft due to guess focusing, but I'm not sure I care. Cheers.

(posted 8388 days ago)

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