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The Fashion Question

from Jeff Spirer (jeff@spirer.com)

SuperModel, copyright 2000 Jeff Spirer

On another thread, the following question is asked:

Ever notice we get very few comments on the fashion threads?

It's an interesting question. My take on it is that fashion photography is not, in general, people photography, it's product photography. That is not to say that good fashion photography does not transcend its origins. Ellen von Unwerth comes to mind. John Kantor's work posted here sometimes moves beyond the realm of pure fashion and allows more of the person to come through. But, as I said before, it's not usually about the people.

I don't want anyone to think I am demeaning fashion photography in any way. I get Vogue sometimes just to look at the pix. There's some great stuff in there. But I rarely think about the models as people.

(posted 8557 days ago)

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