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Response to All right, let's push the envelope a bit here

from Larry H. Smith (LarryHS@webt.net)
Don't know how much "heaviness" is behind all these comments,... but it's starting to weigh on this reader (patriarchal==evil!/matriarchal=good?, exploration=eploitation, men=women=rape,etc.).

Weston "conceives" of "pepper" photo...therefore is more highly evolved than Peter (at that time). Peter "conceives" of "menstruation" photo... therefore is more highly evolved than other list members ?!

Some members may lack "what it takes" to accept Peter's "assignment"/challenge/dare, "actually" OR as thought exercise. And this "what it takes" is ? Equipment?.."Gumption"?...or maybe (as in my case) interest?!

Before I could get to the issues of How?, Where?, Who?, etc., I'd want to get past Why?. Speaking for myself, ..can't do it!

Will manage somehow, in whatever degree of ignorance, without the "enlightenment" to be found in the "menstruation" project. (I'm not saying there would be none... just don't feel a "need" for it, personally. I think I "lack" undertaker-enlightment, too. Oh well!)

There seems to be much psychological/philosophical food for thought floating around in this soup. Many of the remarks seem to be emotionally"loaded". Interesting enough in its own way, but not really what I joined this list for (this is not an "off-topic" complaint..just an observation.)

The sun is shining ... not a constant here in Oregon. One thing I DO "lack"..DO feel a "need for , is some "positive" imagery. Think I'll go outside for awhile!

(posted 8823 days ago)

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