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Response to The Purpose of Critiques

from Edward Kang (ekang@cse.nd.edu)

Re critiques: they can provide some useful feedback. Too many people think critiques are simply to answer the question 'is this any good, and how could it have been better?' In fact, they can also answer the question 'what does this picture say to you?' Personally, I find it very hard to predict what emotions my pictures might raise in a viewer's mind.

Alan, I _really_ enjoy how you approach critiques from a different angle. It's an aspect of photography that even photographers don't even think about half the time.

but honestly, folks, let's be serious about what a critique is NOT:

Poster: Please critique my picture. Critiquer: THIS SUCKS.

No, that is NOT a critique. That is a flame. If I wanted this kind of response, I'd get into a gangwar. So if you're going to simply respond to tell a person the image SUCKS without giving a positive, redemptive way of turning a disaster into a miracle, then don't post!

Thank you.

(posted 8832 days ago)

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